Chapter 1

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Cover by : jessyagurl22 ♥️

Don't mind me, I won't be using pictures but catch this #ShortStoryChallenge 😔🌹 It's not like everyone else's story, it's more of a heartbreak thing.

See there was this girl, I'll call her Jade. Well Jade had this guy friend, Tywuan. Tywuan was her everything, they did everything together. Well not everything because they never had sex, don't get me wrong they tried but I guess it wasn't meant to be cause it never got "in." Jade and Ty had a bond, a mental, spiritual and emotional connection where they could talk to one another about anything. Anyone who saw them would think they were in a relationship when in all actually they helped each other be stronger. They held one another up, it was going so good that everyone even called her by HIS name 😌😌😌 He was on the basketball team, he stood 6'3 to her 5'3 and the whole basketball team loved making jokes calling her "Tywuan"

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