Chapter 24

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We went from the bed, to the sofa in his room. From the sofa in his room to the dresser, from there to the floor. I knew I would never forget this for as long as I lived because it was just that exclusive for me.
'We went round for round till we knocked out, we were laying in the rain not making a sound and if that's a metaphor of You and I: WHY is it so hard to say goodbye?'
- Mariah Carey
Fucking someone back was so new to me that I knew we'd nevaaa be able to be as cool as we were again without being MORE than friends. Of course I vowed to distance myself from Kel but he didn't like this one bit so being a typical nigga he got disrespectful. I didn't even make a big deal of it because all I wanted was sex at the time.
Problems came up when I began to fall in love with his dick. You ever had some dick so good that You were dickmatized? Well if not, let me break it down for You.
*dickmatized: the state of mind where You'd do ANYTHING to get HIS dick, a place where You so far gone for it You'd put Your pride aside and beg for it*
Now a hoe couldn't be dickmatized cause well a hoe can, but let me just say IT'S NOT CUTE because how You fucking multiple niggas but get dickmatized by one. Now this is where things start to get a little bit hoeish or too much rather. So much shit happened in FEBRUARY that I didn't even keep up with MY monthly.

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