A/N ;

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This next chapter I'm doing is going to be dedicated to the Jace drama. 🙄 I didn't want to include it in the book, but he's relevant to the story after all so I may as well include all that stress. If you know me personally and we were cool throughout my pregnancy, you'll know exactly who this Jace character is. You should know who Kel is too though, but now everyone is a "fast" thinker. Whatever thouuuugh, I'm damn near to the end of this because I'm 6 months pregnant now (in the story, I'VE HAD MY BABY in real life) let me know if you all want a part 2.

; If You all ever need to vent or anything, you can still contact me ANYTIME ::

Twitter : xDeAseiaaa
Snapchat: xDeAseiaaa
JaNessha Strong (Bitter Becky)
text: 6624793416

Memories Back Then Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now