Chapter 35

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So Twan and I were kicking shit lovely, I had began to trust him again and soon enough I was in love with him. I supported him in everything he did just like he supported me. He didn't like my career of choice so of course he complained every chance he got talking about how I signed my life over for some bullshit. It wasn't worth it especially when they still treated You like a minority. If You haven't guessed it Yet, YES I'm in the military. 🙄 I was pregnant now so You knoooow Twan was not about to let me keep doing what I did for a living. It was MY first paying job and I took pride in it.
    Since I'm not wanting anyone to get in trouble, I won't go in depth about that. I dreaded telling my recruiter and everyone else that I was pregnant because I know I had fucked up a lot of people's plans and basically I hate waited their time. Plus I had already told them I had ulcers because I was scared to go to the doctor and if I hadn't been pregnant. Ulcers would've been why all the shit I was going through with my body took place. That can be life threatening though so luckily that weren't the case.
  A lot of stuff started adding up now that I knew I was pregnant though. First, it now made sense WHY I ran everyday for two miles but my time NEVER got short nor did I ever get used to running those miles. Second, it explained why I started to eat school cafeteria food. Any other time, I'd go all day hungry before I ate it. Third,  I cried so fucking muuuch. I've never been one big on tears because as You can see I've gone through a lot and just learned to turn my savage up and say fuck them feelings.

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