Chapter 31

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A week had passed since then, and before You know it it was April 16. I was at my grandma's house, just chopping it up with her, my mom, my little brother and my grandma's aunt ( MY great-great aunt ) having a good ass time. Then I start having these bad ass cramps and my grandma told my mom to give me some of her pills the doctor gave her to loosen her bowels and they said I should be running to the bathroom within the hour and three passed and nothing happened. So they gave me laxatives, it didn't work either. From there we went to milk magnesium and prune juice. Nothing worked, so my grandma told my mom to take me to the emergency room for an enema. 🤢
   'Jade Lowe' Me, my mom and brother got up as we heard my name being called and followed the nurse to the back where she proceeded to tell me they decided to run labs of course before giving me the enema. An hour passed before the nurse finally showed back up, with my mother in the bathroom; brother gone to the car and me sitting on the bed holding my stomach in pain... I didn't expect what she said next it shocked me to the core. "Congratulations."

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