Chapter 41

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I had just made it four streets up from my house, when my little brother came running up the street. 😐 I had been walking slow and everything because his phone died and I didn't know where I'd be meeting him at so You knoooow I was heated but the story he told me was so hilarious that I couldn't stay mad for too long plus he brought my water. He said he was on his way out little brother's bike when he was crossing the track and the train was coming and the handlebars came off the bike so he was stuck. 😹 Then he said he ran to the house to get his bike and when he was riding it the seat slide from under him so he had to take that one back to the house too and three bikes later is when we met each other and his ass was holding a bike frame. 😹😹😹😭
When we finally make it to the house, I'm mentally and physically tired so I drink 3 bottles of water and pee. I took off my bra and me a little nap and woke up two hours later just as my mama made it back from work. Luckily by then I had slept all that anger off and I was just over the situation. I mean Yeahhhh I still ain't like the old woman, but I no longer have to be near her so I'm straight. Going out to my mom's car, of course she asked me why I was home from Twan's house so early since she had just dropped me off at 11 and it was just now 4. 🙄 Yes, all this shit happened before 2 pm so just imagine how hot it was outside.. My mama being the laid back woman she is, I didn't expect her to get mad. Here I was laughing and she was just snapping out.
  It wasn't until I told her about that old woman throwing the phone at me that she really snapped out. She crunk up the car faster than I could finish the story. I told her that it was fine and how Twan had defended me but she just ignored me and told me put on my seatbelt. I put on my seatbelt and begin the 2 minute ride there. 😐 Nah fam, it normally takes longer but my mom was pissed and she already drive fast so she drove faster. I text Twan to let him know I'm omw back with my mama and that's when he told me he's gone to his mom's house. Next thing I know we're pulling up to his granddad's house where his people are sitting outside conversing....

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