Chapter 4

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Jace and Jade TRIED dating, or didn't even last half a week because according to Jace Jade had too many issues. Jade's problem was she wanted love so bad that she loved people for what they're supposed to do. You know how people brag about the things they're supposed to do, well that's how she was when it came to give out love to people. So after curving Jace for a year due to the fact that they had the same name, she finally gave in because she was taking K's advice.
    Now even though Jace was short stopping compared to Ty, unlike Ty's gentleness Jace was the opposite. Jace was 6'2 but due to the fact that he was a football player he was a lot more rough than Ty was so when they tried the sex thing Jace succeeded whereas Ty failed. Another reason Jade easily got hurt is because she felt love through sex also. She could have sex with You and instantly love you. Jace loved her but she was STILL stuck on Ty even though K said she would need another nigga to get over the last. She had mad love for Jace, but it just wasn't enough for her to get over Ty. So then she was in love with Ty while loving Jace. Yes, it's VERY much possible.
For a minute, she was able to get rid of her thoughts of Ty but it didn't help that he would always approach her to talk and when his girl was around he'd do little things with her to make Jade jealous.

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