1. Sleeping divorce

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Kayla's P.O.V

"YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE!" I shouted at Kylie and Khloé who were trying to rub me with soap and water, when all I want to do is sleep. "we wanted to give you a bath whilst you were sleeping" Khloé explained trying not to laugh, but she failed...miserably. "I just wanna fucking sleep, go away!" they left my room muttering some stuff but I just ignored them.

"CAN EVERYBODY COME DOWNSTAIRS PLEASE" My mum shouted coursing all of us to slowly walk downstairs like zombies. Is this a fucking joke? can a girl not rest in fucking peace?? it's to early to be walking up and down stairs. "guys Kendall is gonna be here any minute" my mum informed us not keeping her eyes of her phone. "who cares? can I go back to sleep now?" I asked rubbing my eyes

"Kayla don't be so rude" Just then Kylie came running downstairs "I'm dying my hair blue!" she shouted "why the fuck are you shouting? and why the fuck do we have to be up so early just to see Kendall?" It's seven am, I just don't understand. I need my beauty sleep. "fine Kayla if you wanna be a bitch then go back to bed!" my mum shouted not even caring anymore.

I rolled my eyes then made my way upstairs. I almost reached my bedroom until I heard crying. oh for fuck sake... "KIMBERLY, CONTROL YOUR CHILD!" I shouted "I'M IN THE SHOWER, GET THE MAID!" She shouted back "THERE IS NO MAID, KENYA GAVE HER A DAY OFF!" I walked over to a crying North. genitally picked her up trying to calm her down. If Kim won't shut her up then I will.

I walked into my bedroom and got under the covers placing Nori (North) on top of me so we could both go back to sleep....But then she started talking to me "babababammammammababababaaaaaaaa" I opened one eye and quickly regretted it because her drool just went in it "eeeew! Nori!" she giggled at me clapping her tiny hands "your so lucky I love you"

~Hour Later~

I fluttered my eyes open and almost jumped up when I saw a baby staring at me with big brown eyes. I then chuckled at how cute she was "how long have you been staring at me? you little freak" I held her on the side of my hips as I walked downstairs where everyone else was. "Kaylaaaaa" Kendall sang my name smiling widely then soon everyone else started singing my name

"KAYLAAAA OH KAYLAAAA OH YEAH KAYLAAAA" I laughed at them before handing Nori over to Kim "I bet Nori is gonna have a boyfriend before Kayla" Kylie laughed along with everyone else "your all motherfuckers" I said popping my middle finger up. "no offence but you haven't had a boyfriend in like a decade" Kim said "you guys don't know my love life"

"that's because you don't have one!" Khloé laughed hard with everyone."fuck you all!" I had a boyfriend and I was madly in love with him until I found out how stupid I am. I refuse to be in a relationship again. "where is Kourtney?" I asked looking around the room "fucking Scott" Khloé rudely answered "ew, you dirty, dirty child" Mum walked in looking a bit nervous "is everything okay?" I asked

"yeah, can someone call Kourtney and everyone else, we need a big family meeting" She said before walking away to who knows where "I'll call Broody, Brandon and Leah" Kendall said "I'll get Kourtney, Kay pass me my phone it's on the charger" I stood up and went to grab Kim's Iphone. "God blessed you with legs so you can do your own shit" She chuckled before calling Kourt.

"so Kylie check you out with your fake lips" Kylie pouted then blew me a kiss. I pretend to catch it and put it in my pocket. "the sooner everybody gets here, the sooner I can go back to sleep" Last night I had three hours of sleep then I woke up then went back to sleep with Nori so in total four hours of fucking sleep! "Whilst you were sleeping with Nori someone was texting you over and over and over again"

Kylie informed me "did you read the text?" I really hope she didn't I hate when people look at my business "I didn't but...Kim and Khloé did" Those motherfuckers are dead! Just then Brandon and Leah walked in holding hands with wide smiles on their faces. they are soooooo in love. "where is Kourt?" I asked looking around "she should be here any minute now" Khloe answered

Just then Kourtney came in holding Penelope's hand and Scott was behind her with Mason in his arms "check you out Penelope, walking like a boss!" Khloe said earning laughs from everyone "OKAY NOW THAT EVERYONE IS HERE WE NEED TO TALK!"

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