53. Betrayed

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Kayla's P.O.V

Ace sat next to me on the bed whilst we waited for the doctor to come "your gonna have a little brother or sister" Justin said smiling widely. "I want a brother so I can play football!" Ace shouted the word 'football' throwing his arms up in the air. "you can play football with me" Ace groaned shaking his head. "nooooooo, you old"

I laughed at Justin's face once Ace disapproved of playing football with him. he should of just said no and stopped it there because now Justin is gonna be focusing on him being to old for the rest of the day. Justin picked Ace up and hung him upside down coursing him to laugh like crazy.

My doctor walked in the room and she kept her eyes on Justin who was only holding Ace's leg and hanging him upside down. "he does know that that's a human not a doll right?" I chuckled shaking my head. "I don't know what he knows anymore" Justin put Ace down letting Ace run around the room. "so let's take a look at this baby"

The doctor said putting on her gloves. "you are almost two months pregnant" the doctor said scanning some stuff on the monitor thingy. two months. Oh my gosh, I just realized that I'm going to be fat soon. "lift up your shirt" Ace took a stool and stood on it making his way up the bed. "now this gel might be a bit cold"

she rubbed the gel around my tummy and Ace was looking at it in fascination. "I wanna do it!" he took the gel thingy from the doctor and started moving it up and down my tummy. "now if you look up there....there's your baby" O.M.G "wow" Justin whispered "it looks like a peanut ahaha peanut!" Ace laughed to himself making me smile.

"when can we tell if it's a boy or girl?" Justin asked keeping his eyes on the screen. "um, when she is around six, maybe seven months" she answered. "is it definitely one child?" he asked. "um, yeah. Sometime it's hard to tell, you can see the second head at five months if your having small twins but this is indeed one child" thank God for that!

"how can we make sure the baby is always healthy?...when should Kayla stop walking around?......what happens if it comes early?.....is there anything Kayla should or shouldn't do?" I rolled my eyes watching Justin ask questions and the doctor answer them as best as she could. Then it was Ace's turn to ask questions. "why does it look like a peanut?"

Me and my sisters have three interviews together today. The first one is at the Wendy Williams Show and it's for fifteen minutes. "I still can't believe Ace is all yours now" Kim said as she finished getting her make up done. "yeah this is perfect for you, because when you and Justin have kids you'll kinda be ready" Kim added.

"wait do you two even want kids?" Khloe asked. So I haven't told anybody about my pregnancy yet, not even my mum. And I was gonna tell my family but I don't know how to. "is everyone ready?" The producer asked getting us all together. We waited back stage until Wendy introduced us. "please give it up for the beautiful Kardashian sisters

"you girls look lovely like always" Wendy complimented as we sat down. "thank you, so do you, I'm loving the red lipstick" Khloe said what I was thinking. "thank you doll. So girl's how ya doing?" I chuckled at her question whilst everyone else actually gave her answer. "so this is a pretty crazy year for you guys, especially you Kayla, congratulations!"

The audience clapped and cheered as I mouthed a 'thank you' "you and Bieber, how can you handle him?" oh it's a struggle! "I feel more sorry for Justin, believe it or not but Kayla is the bitchiest in the family" Kourtney betrayed me! "LIES!" I shouted making the audience laugh then suddenly Kim and Khloe started to agree with her.

"shut up" I mumbled trying to act mad. "Kayla you've been here before and you seemed so relaxed and calm nice" Wendy said. Wendy knows what she is talking about. "you don't know her like we know her" I feel so betrayed right now! "Kayla, my crew have been stalking you a lot lately and it seems that everywhere you and Justin go, you take this little boy"

Pictures of me, Justin and Ace started coming on the screen. "that is my baby Ace"

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