54. Daddy

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Kayla's P.O.V

"I'm so tired" I yawned as I walked into the house. After me and Justin went to go check out the glass house I went to my last interview that was for half an hour and all I wanna do is cuddle with my teddy bear and sleep. "WHERE IS MY TEDDY BEAR?!" I asked loudly gaining everyone in the house's attention as I walked upstairs. "I'M RIGHT HERE!" Ace shouted back appearing out of nowhere.

"let's get to bed!" Ace's bedroom is not done yet and since he does not like sleeping in the big beds alone he just sleeps with me. Justin sleeps in the guest room because that's what I feel more comfortable with. "I wanna be a cheerleader" Ace said jumping in the bed. he wants to be something new every day. "why a cheerleader?"

"so I can spend more time with girls" I couldn't help but laugh at Ace's response "GIVE ME A 'B' GIVE ME A 'L' GIVE ME A 'G, H, I' GOOOOOO ME! YEAH!!!" Ace shouted jumping up and down on the bed as he threw the pillows in the air. "Ace why are you so hyper?" I asked laughing at his behavior "daddy gave me sugar" wait, what did he just say? "who?" 

"daddy, he told me to keep it a secret and not tell you, GOOOOOOOO SECRETS WOOOOOO!" did he just call Justin daddy? "I'm.....tired....."Ace stopped jumping and sat down on the bed. I put Ace under the covers then went to go take a shower, brush my teeth and change into my PJ'S when I cam back Ace was out like a light.

All I could hear was his soft snoring and his chest was slowly raising up and down. I smiled before getting under the covers with him. The minute I turned off the lights I felt Ace's hand grip my top . I pulled him closer to me and his arms went around my neck as he rested his small head on my chest.

Justin's P.O.V

I walked into...um....Kayla's bedroom, it would of been our bedroom if she didn't kicked me out, But I don't care. Kayla's family is coming over here for dinner today along with Drake who is a family friend of theirs and a close friend of mine. I grabbed the clothes that I would be wearing tonight.

when I looked up I saw Ace with big messy puffy hair and his eyes were half open. "you woke me up!" he whined throwing a pillow at me. "hey, hey, hey. it's to early in the morning to be mean" I grabbed all the pillows he threw out me and threw them back. We were soon in a pillow war but stopped when Kayla woke up.

"omg guys, it's to early in the morning for pillow fights" well way to kill the fun. Wil entered the room with a glass of milk. Ace always has a glass of milk first thing in the morning, I don't know why, it's just one of those things. Behind him was a maid who was caring a huge box. "Ace's stuff have arrived." I dropped all my things and quickly took the box from her hands.

I ordered Ace's the most swag shit ever! He has got it all from socks to snapbacks! "Kayla you know you only have four hours to get ready right?" Wil asked her. Kayla looked up with a raised eyebrow "what are you talking about?" she asked raising her eyebrow even higher. damn I didn't even know that was possible!

"it's one thirty" she bit her lip before she could say any naughty words and quickly got out of bed. "why didn't you wake me up?" she asked walking over to her bathroom. "you looked so peaceful" I chuckled as Wil said that as if he was lying. "everyone get out, I need to get ready" Kayla said shooing is out.

wait a minute this is my house? why am I getting shooed?  "WAIT! you didn't give me my morning kiss" Ace said sticking his lips out. Kayla giggled and pecked him. "you didn't give me my morning kiss either" I smirked at Kayla wiggling my eyebrows. Instead of feeling her lips I felt the door that was smashed on my face.

Well that was just rude. "maybe next time daddy" Ace said before skipping downstairs. wait, did he just call me daddy?

Hey, guys!
Please be ready because I'm going to publish the NEW FANFICTION about bad criminal Jason McCann! So if you wanna read - be ready! I found this book some months ago and just fell in love 😍

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