52. Glass house

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~Later that day~

Kayla's P.O.V

"get Ace one of those high chair things" I said to Justin seating down. He came back with one and placed Ace on it before seating opposite me. "there is a lot of things we need to talk about and I wanna get threw all of our issues and problems today because I don't wanna carry around all this stress" I said starting of the conversation.

"I agree. The first thing I wanna talk about is your pregnancy" I nodded my head giving him all my attention to carry on. "I know your sisters were pregnant on the show but I'd rather have you not having cameras following you around and all that because a lot is already going on, I think that doing the show will only add stress"

"so I'm not going to be in this season of 'keeping up with the Kardashains' ?" he nodded his head yes. The only hard thing about that is explaining to me mum why I will not be there. "I wanna talk about Ace's name" I moved the subject over to our previous argument. "well Ace does not even have a last name"

Well yeah, Molly left that bit blank because Chris was not even there when Ace was born. "and when he grows up he will be known as Ace Bieber so we might as well just change the name" The waitress came over and took our orders trying not to freak out. Once she left and Justin went back to talking. "since your pregnant, we have Ace and we are getting married, I think we should get a new house"

"once wrong with the house we have now?" I asked. I like the house we have now, it's big but it's also cozy, weird huh. "I don't really get a family vibe" Justin said pulling out his phone. "I was house hunting the other day an-" I cut Justin off putting my hand up in the air for him to be quite. "wait, did you just say you went house hunting already?"

"well yeah I-" I put my hand up stopping him again "why?" he sighed before saying "well me and Chantel wer-" "who is Chantel?" This time I didn't even put my hand up. I heard a girls name, I might get crazy. "I swear if you cut me off once more time I wil-" "here is your food" the waitress said smiling at us. "you will what baby?"

"I will give you endless kisses" I faked a giggle then thanked the waitress who brought our food. "Chantel is the one who was looking for a house for her and her mother and because I know all of LA and she is new here I was helping her out. That's all" I don't know why I'm getting to worked up over this. "here's one of the houses that I saw and I instantly loved it"

Justin handed me his phone with a picture of a glass house. "wow" I said trying to hold in my laughter. "why are you laughing, do you not like it?" I shook my head trying to control myself but every time I looked at it more memories would just come back. "what's funny?" "i-it's just that... you have a bad history with glass doors, imagine you in a glass house"

"ha ha ha" he sarcastically laughed only coursing me to laugh harder. "so tomorrow I  have a doctors appointment at nine thirty and then I have three interviews but I really need you to go out with Ace and get all his stuff" I looked over at Ace who had food all over his face. he does know the food is suppose to go in your mouth right.

I giggled at him as I whipped his face with the napkin. "what time are you free tomorrow?" Justin asked. "umm I'm free four to six" I answered cutting up Ace's food. "great, we'll go check out the house at five" I can't believe me and Justin are having a civil conversation where we are just talking, agreeing and laughing every here and there.

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