2. Forgotten Kardash

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"OKAY NOW THAT EVERYONE IS HERE WE NEED TO TALK!"  Mum shouted gathering everyone's attention "as you all know mine and Bruce's relationship has been very rocky recently..."

Mum trailed off looking over at a very nervous Bruce "...and we just think that we are better of as friends..." my mums eyes were beginning to water and it was right then when I knew that something bad was about to happened "JUST GET A DIVORCE!" Kendall shouted out of no where. Kourt walked over to her and hugged her as tears started coming out of Kendall's eyes.

I have no words for what just happened. Silence soon took over the room and all you could here was little sobs coming from Kourt, Kendall, Kylie and even my mum. Me and Khloe are the strong girls, we don't cry easily like everyone else. And Kims to busy breast feeding her child to show any emotion. After a minute Kylie stood up not saying a word and walked upstairs.

I sighed and followed her into her room knowing that the second she got in there she would break down and cry."I know exactly what your going there Kylie, every single person in this house has been there" I said rubbing her back as she cried into my lap "but it'll get better I promise" Just then Kourtney, Kim and Khloe walked up stairs with sad looks on their face

"NO IT WON'T!" She shouted grabbing a vase and throwing it at the wall coursing it to smash into little pieces "hey I got you that last week!" Kim pouted "I DON'T FUCKING CARE KIM!"  Kylie shouted again. I give up with these child. If she's gonna shout and be rude all the time then fine. I know shes hurting right now and going threw a rough time but that attitude does not work with me "Kylie do you want your parents to be married or happy?" I asked before walking out of her bedroom leaving everyone looking at me shocked.

~One month later~

I have done nothing for the past thirty days. I think the media have forgotten who I am. Kendall want back to modeling, Kims focusing on her wedding, Kourtney is pregnant....again, Khloe is spending time with French Montana and her new friends, Kylie is hanging out with black rappers, Rob is trying to loose weight, my mum and Bruce are enjoying the single life and I.......

.......am seating here eating pizza whilst watching the hunger games. After awhile my eyes soon started slowly closing until some idiot decided to call me. I groaned and answered it without even checking who it was "hello" I said in a sleepy tone. "well hello sleeping beauty" I instantly recognized the voice and smiled widely as I practically jumped out of bed   "Bieber what do you want?"

I asked pretending to sound pissed off "I need a favor..."  he said sounding a bit nervous "go on" I instructed waiting for him to continue "My dad and Erin came over with Jazzy and Jaxon and left me in charge whilst they go out for a nice meal, I need your helping babysitting" This wouldn't be the first time that I have helped Justin babysit and plus I'm really board.

"fine I'll be there in twenty minutes, bye Bieber" I said "Bye Kardash" he replied before hanging up. He say's he doesn't like Kardashian because it's to long. After I got changed I walked downstairs and saw Kylie snuggling with Jaden. I love Jaden, his a great and funny kid but somebody seriously needs to teach him how to dress like a human! "Bye Kylie!" I shouted opening the door

"yeah, bye ,whatever" I rolled my eyes at her attitude that's still rude and annoying. That girl needs to be put in her place and if nobody will do it then I will, right after I teach Jaden how to dress.

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