19. Busy

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Kayla's P.O.V

Today me and my friends Lola and Stacy are packing up my stuff from my old house. I un-locked the door and walked inside the house with the girls behind me. We were all carrying one big box each and there was more in Lola's truck. I could hear Rob and Kylie's voices coming from the living room but I just ignored them and walked into my bedroom.

"Lola, you get all the makeup, I'll get the clothes and Stacy you get the weird and random shit. The moving truck should be here any minute" I have so much stuff here I think that a moving truck is necessary. I started off with my shoes, I want to keep them all. no baby get's left behind! "umm mum, why is there a moving truck waiting outside the gate?"

I heard Kim's voice shout. "I thought it was for more of Bruce's stuff so I let them in"I heard Khloe say. "you guys keep doing what y'all doing, I will be right back" I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door to see the moving truck and some men standing outside. "hi, I'm Kayla" I introducing myself. "nice to meet you Kayla, I'm Max and this is Dylan"

I waved at them both smiling before letting them inside the house. "you guys just follow me"I walked upstairs with them behind me and ignored the stares I was getting from everyone. "KAYLA AMELIA KARDASHIAN!" my mother shouted full of anger "what do you think you are doing young lady?" she asked "I'm moving out, duhh"

could it be more obvious? "moving out? where are you going to stay?" she asked me. oh she is going to love me answer! "with Justin." I said grinning widely. "I want you to enjoy all this because believe me, it won't last" she said before walking away.

It took me five hours to get everything ready and out and in those five hours, nobody talked to me. Not even Rob. They all looked at me but not one of them said a word."what is going on with you and your family?" Lola asked me as we got in her van heading over to Justin's. "I just seriously don't care about it anymore. I am so over them"

"I remember reading in a magazine about how they have all turned against you" Stacy said. "yeah kinda, they just don't support mine and Justin's relationship but anyway can we change the subject please" I asked looking outside the window not making eye contact with anyone. "yeah sure. what you got planned for today?" Stacy asked.

"a lot of things. I'm gonna leave my stuff with Justin's maids and they are gonna do all that then at three I have a interview with Ellen at four I have a dress fitting for the dress I'm going to wear at the Grammy's then I've got a meeting, after that I  have to pick up Justin's suit then I'm getting my nails and hair done then......I can sleep" I let out a long and heavy sigh at the end of my sentence.

Just thinking about it makes me stressed out. "we are here" Lola sang as she stopped outside of Justin's gate "what's the password thingy?" she asked me "5.25.1994" I said smiling as the girls 'awwed' "his password is your birthday!" Stacy grinned at me along with Lola. The gate slowly opened revealing his huge ass mansion.

The truck drivers drove behind us and I noticed two unfamiliar cars parked outside the house. Me and the girls all got out holding a box each. I knocked on the door with my free hand and waited patiently. Just then Wilbert opened the door with Justin and some other boys behind him "hey babe" Justin said trying to kiss me but I moved away.

"don't talk to me or kiss me, just grab the boxes then I'll give you a treat later" I quickly said walking past him setting the box down next to the stairs. "you got a feisty one" I heard one of the boys say. I jogged upstairs into Justin's bedroom and grabbed my bathing collection. I have one hour to get ready then my busy schedule starts.

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