10. I need you

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Kayla's P.O.V

"Thank you miss Kardashian" the officer said writing something down. I looked over at Justin who was about to break down any minute. I absolutely hate seeing him like this. It makes my heart just break watching him at a weak point. "Um officers, can me and Justin have some time alone please?" they looked at each other and both shared a hesitant look.

But thankfully they agreed and left the room along with the security guards who were now standing behind the closed door. Once everyone was officially gone Justin leaped into my arms and wrapped his long arms around my body before burying his face in the corner of my neck and letting the tears falls down.

"i-i-it's not f-fair" Justin whispered, stuttering trying to catch his breath. I knew exactly what he was talking about. Paparazzi have been his 1# enemy ever since 2013. He has spent the last two years of his life getting nothing but hate from random people but all his trying to do is live his life and have fun whilst his still young.

And what makes it even worst is the fucking paparazzi just keep getting away with it over and over again. Like that time when Justin was in England and a man called him a cunt and told him to go back to Canada. They want a reaction so they can turn it into a story and sell it for the whole world to read. The thing is what you see is not always what you get.

And even when we say we don't judge people, we secretly do but without even realizing it. Justin has been judged way to many times and when we get out of here he will be judged 10x worst. "Justin look at me" I said trying to get his head up "no" he mumbled calming down his tears "Justin I said look at me" I repeated myself in a more stern voice

"I-I-I can't....I'm so ashamed...y-you out of all the people have to see me like this" And that's when he started crying even harder pulling me closer to his body. "Justin, baby please look at me" After a good five seconds Justin finally slowly lifted his head up so I could see his face that had the words 'broken' written all over it.

"Justin you have nothing to be ashamed of. I will never think of you any less, I will never look at you any less and I will never love you any less. never.  and no matter what happens tonight I will still love you "  I whispered looking straight into his blood-shot red and watery eyes "y-you love me?" Justin asked me jumping up a little "w-what?"  did I hear him correctly?

"you just said you love me" Fuck, I said that out loud???? "I love you to" My eyes almost popped out when I heard those four beautiful words come out of his mouth. He loves me to? he just said he loves me to. HE FUCKING LOVES ME!

Butterfly's started flaying in my tummy why the fuck are butterfly's flying in there?? I looked down at the floor so he wouldn't see my cheeks that were bright red but that idea failed because he gently put two  fingers under my chin lifting my face up so I had to look  up at him then he did the unexpected and softly placed his lips next to mine

Remember how I was talking about butterfly's? well fuck butterfly's I got lions now. and you know how people feel sparks, I felt fireworks! The kiss was so smooth and gentle and perfect. Just as I thought nothing could ruin this moment the two fucking cops came back. talk about great timing! -Note the sarcasm.

"Times up! Miss Kardashian, your mother is here for you and Mr Bieber,I need you to follow me"  I sighed and stood up. And just as I was about to go I felt a hand grab my wrist "please don't go" Justin begged pulling me back "Justin, I have to" If I'm completely honest I really don't want to leave him here either

"please, please Kayla don't leave me....I need you"

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