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"Guess who's back."

Beacon Hills High School.

Possibly my least favourite place in the world.

Sighing heavily, I pushed through the swarm of students, muttering apologies and rolling my eyes at any dirty looks I received. I stepped through the door, slowing down to take a look around. I was trying to catch sight of any of my friends or Scott. I hadn't seen them in almost two months and I was dying to talk to them again, but for the state of my wellbeing, it was probably best to avoid as many of them as I could.

After everything that had happened, Brett and I took advantage of a school break and left to go travelling around America. Dad had given me a large amount of money and both Brett and I had already been saving for years, so we thought it was a brilliant opportunity to use it. The decision was last minute and we hadn't planned to go away for so long. But getting away from everything, it was like having a fresh start. No school, no supernatural, no drama, no worries.

It became difficult to even consider coming back because I was having such a good time. If I was being honest, I didn't want to ever return to Beacon Hills. Until I had to.

Of course, my absence didn't exactly go down well with mom, or Scott for that matter. I had a lot of angry phone calls and texts, which eventually got pretty boring so I stopped picking up and reading them. I didn't plan on going home straight away, but I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid it. Or Scott. Which was why Brett literally had to force me to school.


"Shit." Slowly, I turned around, happy, yet mildly anxious, to see a frowning Malia in front of me. "Uh, hey," I smiled weakly, offering her a small wave. "Guess who's back."

Without warning, she took my arm, quite roughly, and began pulling me down the corridor. "Malia!" I exclaimed. "Malia, ow! Malia, stop!" I dug my heels into the ground and she eventually let go, turning around to face me with an expectant look on her face. "Ok, look I'm sorry I disappeared for a while but I'm back now and you-" I cut off, glancing around at the people passing by. "Look, you have to keep this a secret from Scott and the others."

"He's been going out of his mind!" She hissed, her teeth grinding together. I took another quick look around me before pulling her to the side and into a corner, out of the way of everyone else.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just- I needed to get away for a while."

"You can't expect me to keep this a secret," she said, the harshness of her tone making me flinch slightly. "He was really worried about you. We all were. Me, Lydia and-" her eyebrows drew together in confusion and she shook her head, as if she'd just forgotten something.

"You okay?" I asked, watching her with slight concern. She placed her fingers to her temple, closing her eyes shut for a moment.

When she opened them, her eyes widened slightly and she looked down at me quickly. "You should probably run."

Before I had chance to react, I felt a presence behind me. One that I knew very well. "Rebecca Louise McCall."

"Oh fuck."

Malia pulled an apologetic face as Scott took my hand, dragging me through the endless amounts of people in the corridors, and then into Coach's office, where he slammed the door shut with a loud bang. He was mad, really mad, and it scared the absolute shit out of me.

"Seventy two missed calls, Becca. Seventy. Two. All from me," Scott said, his voice seeming to rise louder and louder with each word.

I winced. "I know and I'm sorry I was just-"

Instinct » Liam Dunbar [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now