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"I don't want to fix things!"

It was the startling crash that captured my attention.

I whipped my head in the direction of the noise, watching as glass from the window smashed to pieces, leaving a gaping hole behind. In alarm, I shifted my gaze to the nearby surroundings, my eyes landing on an arrow lodged firmly in the wall.

I followed after Malia to retrieve it, the others close behind. The group of us began forming around in a small circle as she yanked it from the wall, holding it out in front of her, eyes narrowed in curiosity.

My eyebrows drew together as she began to pull out a folded piece of material from the arrow end. She handed it to Liam, who opened it up, revealing a large, bold number seven printed on dark green, blood spotted, lacrosse material.

I let out a shaky breath, my heart falling as I stared unblinkingly at the material in Liam's hand.

"This is Brett's number."

My head rushed, my veins feeling as if they were swelling; my whole body was waiting to explode.

Lydia stepped forwards. "They're trying to rattle us." She took a look at Brett's number again, and I followed suit, unable to tear my eyes away from it.

They'd caused this.

And that was it, that was the breaking point of my patience. In that moment, all I could see was a blinding red mist swirling in front of me. I was ready for every single one of those hunters to pay for what they did.

"And it's working." I ground my teeth together at Theo's comment beginning to push past Liam and Malia, neither of whom were quick enough to react.

"Woah, Rebecca, don't!" Scott lurched forwards, his hand wrapping around my forearm in an attempt to pull me back. I jerked away from him, storming over to the door until Theo took a quick step in front of it.

"Out of my way," I ground out, attempting to barge past him, but, admittedly he was a little too strong for me. "I said–"

An ear piercing scream rang through the air, each one of us turning in the direction of the sound. Stilinski and Deputy Parrish immediately headed for the other door, the others instantly beginning to follow, only Scott stopping to hesitate.

"Go," Theo told him, nodding his head towards me. "I can handle it."

My brother seemed reluctant for a moment, his eyes meeting with mine, seeming to search my face for some kind of assuring response – which I wasn't going to give him. My blood continued to boil. "Okay," he nodded slowly, finally giving in. "Okay."

Theo and I watched Scott leave, and as I turned back, I became aware of his hands on my shoulders, stopping me from moving forwards again.

My stomach churned in annoyance as I tried to move away from his grip, only for him to catch my wrist in his hands. "You'll get yourself killed if you go out there."

I gritted my teeth together, feeling an animalistic growl rising in the back of my throat as I tried to shove past Theo again. "I don't care."

He moved forwards, wrapping both of his hands around my forearms, gripping me tighter than before. His eyes flashed a golden colour briefly, his voice rising in volume slightly. "Yeah? Well I do."

I found myself coming to a pause, shrinking back slightly. Theo's grip loosened, as his eyes flickered away from mine. I, too, looked away for a moment, before eventually turning back, my frustrations rising to boiling point; but instead of spilling over in a furious rage, it came in the form of burning, angry tears in my eyes. "What they did–"

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