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"Why the hell are you hiding out in the morgue?"

The plan was settled.

Scott, Lydia and Malia were in the bunker, attempting to freeze themselves to death. Well, not quite to death, but past the point a normal human could withstand.

It was a similar method used on Isaac Lahey once, and it was supposed to hypnotise them enough to draw out memories of Stiles.

As always, I was acting as bait. I questioned why, at first, considering my connection with Stiles. But Scott was hesitant in case there were any complications involving my powers.

"Liam said to meet him at the hospital," I told Brett and Venus, who were both stood in an empty silence. "I'm going now. We have to hold off the Ghost Riders from getting to Scott, Lydia and Malia." I glanced over at Venus, who was completely still, staring at a picture on the wall; one that must have once been a family picture. "Vee, I get how hard this is. But if you want them back–"

"When I first saw you again you were searching up Retrocognition," she turned her head. "Why?"

Brett also glanced up, his eyes flickering over to mine. I swallowed a thick lump in my throat, shifting my gaze.

"Rebecca," he prompted, his voice holding a more serious tone than I'd ever heard him have before. "Rebecca, you have to tell her."

His words held a degree of emotion, which cut through me, striking a chord. "Your sister," I breathed out, looking up to meet his eyes as I realised what had happened. Why hadn't he told me? This time, it was him who shifted his gaze away, focusing his attention elsewhere. "Brett, I'm so sorry–"

"Whatever you're hiding, you have to tell us," Venus said, her eyes wild and desperate.

Brett glanced over at me again, his eyes softening. "Please."

I nodded slowly, sharing a look with Venus, who was watching me carefully. "The night of the lacrosse game," I started. "I was rifling through my locker when I found a note. It was from Scott and Stiles, they put it in my locker for my first game at Beacon High."

"Did you have a vision? Did you see something that's going to happen?" Venus interjected, her eyes seeming to search mine.

I shook my head. "I didn't see something that was going to happen. I saw something that had already happened."

"Retrocognition," she breathed out.

"I thought it was just a flashback. You know, just me remembering Stiles," I paused. "But it felt the same as the other visions. I felt the heightened emotions, I felt something, something more."

"Could you do it again?"

"I've been trying but–" I cut off, shrugging my shoulders. "Nothing works." Venus nodded slowly, seeming to digest the information. "Look, I know you think I should be able to do something; that I have the answers. I just– I can't. I can't and I'm so sorry. But what I can do is buy time for everyone else to do something. We all can. So are you in?"


"Why the hell are you hiding out in the morgue?" A clueless Brett questioned over the noise of sirens as we stepped through the hospital doors.

"The Ghost Riders go after the living," Liam started, as realisation hit me and his idea didn't seem quite so weird anymore.

"So we hide with the dead," I finished, meeting his eyes. Our stares seemed to linger for a few moments until I quickly glanced away.

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