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"I'm fed up of trying to be a damn hero."

"This isn't going to work," I stated, leaning my back against the wall. I crossed my arms over my chest, letting out a long, heavy sigh.

Considering our first plan to convince everyone who saw the Ghost Riders at my party not to play the lacrosse game didn't exactly, well, go to plan, the backup was to actually play the game and keep watch on everyone. It was inevitable the ghost riders were going to show, but for some reason Scott had a ridiculous optimism that we'd be able to hold them off from getting everyone – which was not possible.

"It'll work," Scott said, giving me a small nod of encouragement.

"Although your optimism is appreciated, allow me to reiterate my point," I said, my eyes glancing over both my brother and Liam. "It's not going to work."

The boys both sighed in unison, turning to each other and sharing glances. "Rebecca–"

"Scott, your plans suck," I told him, stepping away from the wall again. "That's why you never come up with the plans–" I paused, thinking for a moment. I was right, Scott didn't come up with the plans. Then again, neither did I. But someone else did. Who?

"Bex, you alright?"

"Yeah," I replied, my mind still elsewhere. I tried to zone my focus back in, noticing Scott watching me with concern – a look he seemed to have permanently on his face recently. "Sorry. My head is all over the place right now."

"Is this about what happened at the party?" Liam spoke up, his voice softer than usual, as if he knew he was treading on uncomfortable ground.

"It has nothing to do with that," I snapped back, immediately feeling bad for being so harsh. "Sorry," I said, again, closing my eyes shut momentarily and pinching the bridge of my nose. I really needed to get my head together.

The party incident had set me on edge a lot. It was evident my precognition powers had been spiralling out of control slightly, which was what had caused such an episode. The most worrying thing though was that I lashed out at Brett, which I was still feeling bad about despite his dismissal of it. Once the vision was over, it took almost all the energy out of me and left me unable to fight when the ghost riders actually arrived. I hoped that was just a one time thing and nothing that severe would happen again.

"Maybe you should sit this one out," Scott suggested as I glanced up at him again.

"What? And do nothing?" I scoffed, reaching for the lacrosse helmet on the bench beside me. "No chance."

"Look, maybe Scott's right–" Liam started, only irritating me further.

"Or maybe both of you should stop thinking you know what's best for me," I retorted back, shaking my head at them both. "I'm playing the game. And if this shitty plan of yours actually works then I'll throw another damn party," I stated, keeping my eyes trained on Scott. I shook my head, letting a sigh escape from my lips, softening my voice. "But it's the best we've got right now."


Unsurprisingly, we were getting obliterated out on the field by the opposing team. Apparently, boys really cannot multitask, so keeping an eye on the others came at the price of playing the game horrendously.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Coach's very angry voice filled the air. I cast a look over at Scott, Liam and Corey and then over at the other team, who'd just fired a magnificent shot into our goal.

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