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"You'll get her back. I promise."

"We have to go," I stated firmly, snatching the car keys from the side table. "Right now."

"Bec, wait," Brett began to protest until I turned to face him, our eyes meeting strongly as neither of us were willing to back down. "We need to think things through, come up with a plan–"

"There's no time, Brett!" I exclaimed, feeling slightly frantic, my mind already becoming tortured with the horrors of the visions. We both held our gazes for a few moments, until he seemed to give in, nodding slowly.

"Okay. Okay, lets–"

There was a sudden, loud crash, followed by the sound of glass smashing to pieces. I spun around, watching as Venus gripped on to the table, knuckles white, her head bent down. "Vee?"

"Go," she immediately dismissed, waving her hand. I stared at her in confusion, noticing her frail, weak movements, and smelling something else – blood.

"Vee, are you okay?"

She tilted her head up, blood pooling from her nose. The flames from the candles on the table roared with force, and the spell book shuddered. "It's just an effect of the spell," she informed with a cough. Her eyes squeezed shut, her face twisting with pain. "I'll be fine," she choked out. "Go."

I shared a look with Brett, who was showing reluctance as he glanced back at Venus again. "You go," he finally said. "I'll catch up."

I paused, hesitating for the briefest moment as I looked between my friends.

But I'd already made my choice.


My breaths became shallower as I spotted the isolated building. The lights flooded out from the windows, signalling that Mason, Liam and Hayden were inside.

And I had to get to them first.

Before reaching the door, I took a glance up at the overcast sky, nerves settling in the pit of my stomach. They were almost here.

"We need to leave," I called out as I burst through the doors, almost stumbling over my own feet in the rush. "Like, now!"

"Wait, what are you doing here?" Mason questioned, his eyebrows narrowing at me in confusion. I stepped inside the office, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Saving your stupid asses," I responded, looking between the three of them, who seemed to be in bewilderment. "Stop looking at me like that. The riders are coming, okay? We've gotta go."

The three shared a look before I began to usher them out through the rooms ahead of me, only pausing when an unsettling feeling overcame me.

They were here.

The door flung open, a storm rolling in amidst a shadowy figure of a ghost rider. Heavily, it cracked it's whip, the action startling me slightly. I grabbed Mason's hand, moving him away from the door as fast as I could until there was a swishing sound, and I felt Mason's hand slip from mine.

"No!" Liam screamed out, whilst I watched in horror as the whip latched itself around my friend's neck, tugging him backwards.

"Liam!" Mason choked out, gasping for air, his hands reaching for the whip. I stood frozen. "Run!"

And within the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the darkness


Liam was the first to dive at the Ghost Rider, throwing hits and punches that didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever. A shower of glass rained down as Liam's body was thrown through a window, the Ghost Rider setting it's sights on Hayden and I. 

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