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"You're here?"

"Liam? Bex?"

I turned my head, catching sight of Mason, Corey and Venus stood at the other end of the corridor.

I released a breath, my lips pulling into a relieved grin, as the three of them began making their way down to us. Liam and I both started forwards, the five of us meeting in the middle, reaching for each other in, what turned into, a slightly messy group hug.

I smiled warmly at my friends as we began to move apart. All of a sudden, a pained groan inadvertently slipped from Liam's mouth. Everyone's attention fell on him, as he instinctively reached for his injured arm, a grimace twisting on his face.

"You hurt?" Mason questioned, his concerned eyes searching Liam's.

"I'm fine," Liam dismissed quickly.

Venus stepped forwards, a frown etching on her face. "I can heal that for you–"

"No," Liam shot down quickly, shaking his head as he likely recalled last time his wounds were healed by one of Venus' spells. "Definitely not."

I caught Mason's gaze, chuckling lightly, until I caught sound of heavy footsteps making their way up the corridor.

On high alert, I whipped my head around quickly, my eyes connecting with the last person I expected to see.



I let my eyes wander past my father as Sheriff Stilinski and Deputy Parrish began to lower their guns, the pair taking in the scene around us with wide eyes.

As they began to slow to a stop beside the five of us, Sheriff Stilinski nodded towards Parrish, who began to head towards the other end of the corridor, where Gabe's body was lay.

"You kids okay?" Stilinski questioned.

I shared a short look with Liam, who nodded his head in response. I turned my attention back to the Sheriff, giving him an assuring smile.

Stilinski placed a hand gently on my shoulder for a moment as I moved towards him, letting him embrace me into a comforting hug. I breathed in deeply, feeling the tension in my muscles being lost by the gesture.


The two of us moved apart. Parrish stood over Gabe's body, beckoning the Sheriff over.

Stilinski smiled softly, squeezing my forearm, allowing a warmth of reassurance to wash over me. "I'm glad you're okay, Becca."

We watched in silence as he headed over to Parish, his footsteps echoing around the otherwise silent room.

Theo stood a short distance away, watching with a heaviness in his eyes.

"Rebecca–" My father took a step towards me, catching my attention. I stood still, unable to anticipate what he was going to say. His eyebrows drew together in concern, his brown eyes softening. "You're okay?"

"You're–" I paused, my voice wavering for a moment. I swallowed thickly as tears annoyingly began to brim in my eyes. "You're here?"

"I'm here."

He walked up to me slowly, almost seeming to hesitate until I moved forwards myself, wrapping my arms around him in an instant. Soon, I felt his arms tight around my back, squeezing me tightly. I squeezed back, feeling safe in his arms for the first time in forever.

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