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"That doesn't make any sense whatsoever."

"You also need a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity," Theo informed once Scott had eventually explained the plan him and Liam had discussed to us. Admittedly, I was still bitter that my brother had even agreed to keeping Theo around, not that there was much I could do about it. "I know where to find one and I can show you how it works. I'll tell you if Malia promises not to kill me."

Malia curled her lip with a disgusted look, letting out a low growl in response to his comment. "She promises," Liam said quickly, causing me to roll my eyes. "So does Becca."

"You don't speak for me," I snapped, at the exact same time as Malia responded too.

"No, I don't," she retorted to Liam harshly, then turning to Scott. "We're really gonna do this? Trust him?"

"I agree," I spoke up, also looking to my brother. "You remember what he did, right?"

"You got a better idea?" Hayden questioned the two of us, and I shifted my eyes, hardening my gaze on her.

"I've got an idea," Malia said with a nod. "It may not be better. But at least it's not him."

She began to walk out of the room without another word, everyone's eyes on her. I took a step back, ready to follow her.

"Whatever plan you decide to come up with satan here," I eyed Theo, who arched an eyebrow at my comment, looking mildly amused. "I'll find another way, a better way. So that we can send him back to the damn ground."


"I'm pretty sure this qualifies as breaking the law," Brett commented as I pressed my back against the brick wall, putting a finger to my lips to hint at him to be quiet.

"We're not breaking the law. Just..." I trailed off, tilting my head to the side slightly as I tried to think of the word.

"Breaking the law," Brett finished matter of factly, causing me to narrow my eyes at him.

"Look–" I began, until he held his hand up, silencing me. I raised my eyebrows at him whilst he pointed to his ear, signalling for me to listen. I held my breath, trying to focus on the sounds around me. I could hear the distant sound of keys jangling in somebody's hand, followed by the noise of a car being unlocked. "He's leaving," I whispered, slowly leaning to see round the corner.

The front lights of the car suddenly burst to life, shining so brightly that I had to throw my hand in front of my eyes to shield them, before quickly sliding back into my hiding position.

Brett and I waited silently for a few minutes until we knew Chris was far away enough. I crept around the side of the building first, being cautious about my surroundings. In a contrastingly causal manner, Brett followed me, spending the majority of the time trying not to step in any dirt that would ruin his new shoes.

I was half tempted to step on them with my muddy boots just to get it over with.

"I don't see why you couldn't have just asked him to borrow the book," Brett commented once we reached the front door to Chris' place. I crouched down, feeling under the mat, much to Brett's confusion. "What the hell are you doing?"

My fingertips brushed the metal of the key and I slid it out, holding it up proudly. "House key."

Brett seemed to shake his head as I turned the key in the lock, expecting to find that it didn't fit or something along those lines. Lucky for us, the door began to open, and the two of us stepped inside. Whilst I fumbled along the wall for the light switch, Brett quietly closed the door shut behind him.

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