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"We think they've got some kind of connection. Not just like a normal connection, you know. Something more."

Venus' house didn't look any different. It was incredibly organised, and there wasn't a single thing out of place. I was too afraid to even touch anything. Of course, things looked different than they did a few years ago. Yet, everything felt the same.

"Michaela and my parents are out at the moment," she explained as both Brett and I stepped inside, taking in our surroundings. "What can I help you with?"

"I– uh– we just thought we'd pay a visit," I said, my mind elsewhere for a moment. Brett and I shared a glance.

"You know, we just wanted to see if you guys were settling back in okay and stuff," Brett added on, as I nodded along, flashing Venus an innocent grin.

"We're doing well, thank you," she said with a bright smile, looking towards an open door. "Can I get you anything to eat? Drink?"

"We're okay thanks," I told her, earning an annoyed look from Brett. Despite my answer, Venus seemed to head towards her kitchen.

"Are you sure? We've got this amazing cake that we still haven't finished–"

"Bec, I'm starving," Brett whined as I rolled my eyes, beginning to follow Venus into the kitchen.

"Food later," I said quietly, walking closely beside him. "Stick to the plan."

"Yeah, well, I think the plan kinda sucks," Brett hissed bitterly, holding his head up high in mock annoyance.

"Yeah, well, I think you need to suck it up," I bit back, shooting him a glare before stepping into the kitchen. Venus turned around to face us with a sickly sweet smile on her face, one that I hesitantly returned.

"So," she started, dragging out a chair from underneath the table. I winced at the unattractive sound of the chair legs scraping against the floor. She lifted her head up again, the smile still plastered on her face, but there was an unpleasant undertone to it. "Why are you guys really here?"


Lying. I became very good at that, especially around age twelve. And I always liked to blame the skill on Scott and Stiles' influence.

Truthfully, many, many sticky situations have been avoided – all because of my somewhat scarily good talent of coming up with the most believable, bullshit story I can think of.

So whilst Brett made an excuse and went snooping around upstairs, I told Venus a long tale about life in Beacon Hills once she'd left, and what it was like to have her back. Much to my relief, she seemed to fall for it.

"You know, my family should be back soon," she told me. "You should stay a bit longer, I know they'd love to catch up with you."

"Oh, I'd love to see them again too. But we'll probably get going soon–"

"No we won't." I swivelled around in my seat, turning to face Brett who was holding quite a large book in his hands. It was thick, and looked like it had thousands of pages. It had a dark, leather cover, and was bound by a brown strap. I watched him in confusion as his jaw clenched, his eyes set on Venus. "You wanna tell her or should I?"

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