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"Find your muse."

It definitely wasn't the first time that I'd woken up in a cold sweat, tripping out of bed as I stumbled to find the switch for the lamp on my bedside table. This time, though, had felt so much worse. I was terrified.

My eyes darted around the room, every shadow, every dark spot setting my pulse racing again, as if hundreds of spiders were still silently crawling up my walls. I sat as far back against the wall as I could, steadying my breath, inadvertently waiting for my door to burst open, like it usually did. "Scott," I whispered, my voice wavering as I glanced down at my trembling hands. "Scott."

Whenever I was woken up by a vision at night, my brother was always in my room less than a minute later, usually after having heard me crashing about. But this time, even though I waited and waited, he didn't come.

Which meant that what I saw could have been happening right now.

Frantically, I dived for my phone, roughly yanking it from the charger as I rushed to unlock it. I scrolled down my contacts list, almost going too far before my finger stopped on my brother's contact name, hitting call.

"Bex?" The sound of his voice flooded me with relief, and I sat back, my head resting against the wall. "Hey, everything okay?"

"Are you alright?" I found myself blurting out, subtlety never exactly being one of my best features.

"I'm fine..." he trailed off, confusion laced in his tone. "Why?"

"You didn't happen to run into–"

Scott released a breath, obviously coming to a realisation. "It was Sheriff Stilinski," he responded, not giving me a moment to even wonder why the police were traipsing through the woods at this time of night. "I'm fine, we're all okay."

"Elaborate on we're," I said, the silence on the other end of the line setting my nerves on edge.

"Malia, Lydia and I," he answered. "Why? Did you see something else?"

"No," I said, hesitating for a moment. "No. It's fine. Everything's fine."

"Okay," he trailed off unsurely, but, nonetheless, didn't comment on it any more. "I'll be home soon. Get some rest."

"Okay, stay safe," I told him.

"We will," he assured. Although the sigh that followed did not go unnoticed. "Goodnight, Bex."

"Goodnight," I pulled the phone away from my ear, exhaling heavily as I stared at the list of my contacts once more.

Eventually giving in, I pressed on Theo's name, hitting the call button. After the agonising wait of listening to ring after ring, it went straight to voicemail.

My heart rate picked up slightly, and I swallowed thickly, flashes of what I saw hitting me at full force again. The sound of the beep after the automated message jolted me, and I sat up straighter, trying to find the words to say, but I didn't even know where to start. Shaking my head, I pressed to hang up, placing my phone back on the bedside table.

Something's happening to Beacon Hills, and I want to know what it is.


"And that," Brett began with a grin. "Is your captain showing you how it's done!"

Shouts and hollers filled the air from the impressed team members sat on the benches. I grinned over at a smiling Brett, the two of us hi-fiving briefly before I glanced around once more, my eyes finding Liam, who was heading down to the pitch with a scowl.

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