Yumemi Okazaki

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Requested by PersonTouhou1234
Kk, just gonna say: Yumemi looks so adorable.

1. Yumemi is the only final boss in any Touhou game that is pure human.

2. Yumemi is one of the few PC-98 characters to have a full in-game portrait.

3. "Yumemi" means "beautiful dream". "Okazaki" is a common Japanese surname meaning "mountain". Her name is Beautiful Dream Mountain. What a name, my friend, what a name.

4. Her alternate outfit has a red bow-tie, but it turns purple when casting a special attack.

5. An ability of hers is artificial magic, since she is pure human and can't use actual magic.

6. She is 18 years old, and her occupations are Professor and Scientist

7. Yumemi is actually so unfamiliar with the magical matters of Gensokyo that she calls Reimu's power magic. Reimu says over and over again that it is 'divine power' and not magic, but Yumemi is set on it being magic.

8. When she arrives in Gensokyo her ship is mistaken for ruins by the inhabitants.

9. She is one of the Touhou characters that does not wear any hat, or headpiece for that mater.

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