Chiyuri Kitashirakawa

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Requested by PersonTouhou1234

1. Much like Yumemi, Chiyuri also possesses artificial magic, since she is likewise a pure human and cannot perform actual magic.

2. Chiyuri is 15 years old, and assistant professor to Yumemi.

3. Chiyuri is believed to still be in Gensokyo, along with Yumemi after her professor was kicked out of the academy, because of the final ending of Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream.

4. Because of her clothes, she is thought to be the inspiration for Minamitsu Murasa.

5. Her surname, "Kitashirakawa", means "north white river".

6. She left graduate school and works as an assistant at a university. (In this world, you graduate from college at 11, and leave graduate school at 13. I wonder how you could cram all of that eduction into, like, 8 years of school or something.)

7. She is sometimes depicted with Keine Kamishirasawa because both have long, similar-sounding last names.

8. It's commonly joked that Marisa Kirisame stole Chiyuri's way of speaking, because of how Marisa talks in the Windows games.

9. Chiyuri often hits Yumemi with a chair in the endings of Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream.

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