Sagume Kishin

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1. Everything will conspire against her to make whatever she speaks about untrue. Due to this, she needs to be very careful about what she says.

2. She never stops touching her lips with her fingers or covering her mouth with her hand.

3. Unusually, due to the way her power works she has to lie constantly and pick her words carefully out of necessity rather than to mess with or manipulate people.

4. The world hates Sagume so much that it conspires to make everything she says a lie.

5. Though she's the one in charge of the invasion, she's only the Stage 4 Boss, and the heroine is sent to save the Lunar Capital from Junko and Hecatia.

6. Her "defeated" portrait with Clothing Damage does in fact show up in the game files, but ZUN decided not to use it in any of the routes. Interestingly, it shows that she's wearing a red undershirt that's not normally visible.

7. She is usually defied by herself due to her power, but when Sagume starts explaining the plan, by definition her very own power begins working against it.

8. The only reason she fights the protagonists is because she wishes to determine if and why Eirin sent them. After which she sends you on your way to defeat her enemy.

9. She's the one behind the events of Urban Legend in Limbo, having manipulated Sumireko into using the Lunar Capital Occult Ball.

10. Sagume's profile says she could possibly be classified as a divine spirit, despite not being one of the standard types.

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