Byakuren Hijiri

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Requested by kiradela

1. She was sealed in Hokkai for a thousand years, but was very much conscious and awake the whole time. She simply had nothing to do aside from reciting sutra and crafting magical scrolls.

2. There's no love lost between her and Miko, though they can be civil towards one another.

3. She originally protected youkai to maintain the source of her powers, but as she gradually learned of their stories she sincerely committed to help them.

4. Byakuen can summon and ride a motorcycle in Urban Legend in Limbo. Her Last Word variation even comes with a brief costume change.

5. Her mission of converting youkai to Buddhism and trying to get along with everyone is something that other people find rather confusing. Most youkai don't understand why they shouldn't eat humans.

6. Miko just thinks she's "playing house". It's also a fairly weird endeavor in general - Youkai by definition oppose humans and they are born from fear, which means if they stop opposing humans and/or humans stop fearing them, they would most likely disappear entirely.

7. As with many sixth stage bosses, she's pretty strong, and has a noticeably physical fighting style.

8. One of Byakuren's spellcards, 'Devil's Recitation,' is abnormally similar to Shinki's final attack in Mystic Square that sends Makai up in flames. Maybe Shinki taught Byakuren?

But u can't deny the similarities

(But this makes me very...irritated. How could ZUN make an entire game referencing the PC-98 era and not bring any of the Pc-98 characters back (not counting Yuuka)? Also why he bring back Yuuka but not Mima?!?? He had the opportunity to bring Shinki (and by extension, other Makai residents back) but NOO!)

9. In Symposium of Post-Mysticism, she's shown to be the weakest debater, and everyone takes a chance to make a crack at her ranging from things such as her followers being bad at actually following Buddhism's tenets, her unwillingness to drink, and her naivety at how Gensokyo is supposed to work.

10. Byakuren appears (deliberately or not) ignorant to the fact that many of her followers do not actually follow her vows (no drinking, no eating meat, no attacking humans, etc.)

11. She struggles with her belief in Buddhism in her backstory. Although it's questionable how many of her current beliefs would be accepted in mainstream Buddhism.

12. Her powers and spells have roots in dark magic, yet her motivation is the salvation of humans and youkai alike.

13. Can apparently sense that Seiga is ridiculously evil. She also manages to sense that the god of the Hakurei Shrine has become angry from lack of faith.

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