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Requested by YumekoTheMaid

1. She specializes in ice-based magic.

2. Mai calls Yuki "dead weight" and says Yuki was dragging her down. Ironically, she's considered to be the easier of the two.

3. Mima's apparent power prompts Mai to actually speak in Yuki's presense, which surprised the latter.

4. A Shout-Out to The Divine Comedy, in which the ninth circle of Hell represents the sin of treason and is frozen over in ice.

5. Mai seems to be the quiet one, unless you beat Yuki first. If you do, she suddenly starts using sentences without ellipses.

6. At first, she is seen with angelic wings. When Yuki is defeated they turn into white demon wings.

7. Her theme has a biblical reference: Judas Kiss. This could be referencing to how, when in the Bible, Juda Iscariot betrays Jesus. He kisses Jesus on the cheek. This is similar to how Mai basically betrays Yuki after Yuki is defeated.

8. Mai bears resemblance to Remilia Scarlet, yet others say she looks like Cirno. They are both talented in ice magic and have similiar hair.

9. One boss in the massive extra stage of Samidare is a huge reference to the battle with Yuki and Mai.

10. Mai has gotten a lot of hate for straight-up betraying and calling Yuki a deadweight. Her theme name even contains 'Treacherous Maiden.'

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