Alolan Cirno

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Ok...this literally came from nowhere in less than a day. Do you guys see how quickly the fanart has accumulated?!?!??

1. Alolan Cirno is basically Cirno from Touhou 16: Hidden Star in Four Seasons, except the internet went crazy over it in less than a day.

Well played, internet. Well played.

2. This originated mainly because Cirno decided to get a tan

3. This is probably going to replace either the 9 ball meme. I mean, just look how quickly it gained popularity! Well, it could also be one of those things where it's popular for a month then it gets very VERY annoying (cough cough pad jokes cough cough)

4. Much speculation had been made as to why there are flowers wrapped around her.
One theory has it that Yuuka has, in fact possessed Cirno, explaining the flowers. (Although I find that very VERY unlikely)
Another is that Cirno stole them from her. Slightly more believable, but still reasonably unlikely.

5. Many fans have speculated that the four playable characters of Hidden Star in Four Seasons will each represent one season:
Reimu-Spring (duh)
Marisa-Winter (heavy clothes in mid-summer?!)
Aya-Fall (she carries around an autumn leaf all the time)
Cirno-Summer (summery-themed flowers and tan)

6. Elaborating on the Yuuka possessed Cirno theory, since in Antimony of Common flowers, a mechanic where one takes complete control of the user, many have theorized that Yuuka had taken control of Cirno in 15.5 and is still in control of her up to 16. Again, extremely unlikely. Why could Yuuka even need to take control of Cirno in the first place??

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