Kana Anaberal

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1. Kotohime's victory quote asks if she's a birdkeeper. ???

2. The owner of the mansion she was haunting stopped paying attention to her, so she plans to search for a new home.

3. She's a poltergeist who was created by the mind of a mentally unstable girl.

4. Kana is usually bored since the owner of the mansion she used to haunt got used to her.

5. ZUN's comments on Shuusou Gyoku's music suggest that Kana's name is a pun on Cape Canaveral.

6. Kana is also a popular Japanese girl name which literally means 'one who is powerful'

7. She and Mugetsu look very similiar.

8. According to her ending in Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, Kana may currently be haunting the Hakurei Shrine.

9. She bears a lot of resemblance to the Prismriver Sisters. Both haunt a mansion, both have little girls that created them, and both are poltergeists.

10. When ZUN was once commenting on Kana's theme, he said that before drawing Kana, he always noted that she is "A European girl who destroys things while holding a road sign behind her back."

11. It is common to find Kana Anaberal holding a road sign or attacking somebody with it in fan art.

12. Her creator, a mentally unstable girl, has been shown in fan works more often. Common names for her are Honey, Rumiko, and even Yuuka.

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