Nue Houjuu

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Requested by -AllHailLexi-

1. Due to the events of Subterranean Animism, she resurfaced back in Gensokyo.

2. Nue is said to be one of the most mysterious and feared youkai in many years, yet has been defeated by humans many times.

3. Similar to Kogasa Tatara, she tends to scare off people by using the fear of the unknown, or the fear of her true form.

4. Nue is the only Extra Stage boss to appear as a midboss in multiple stages.

5. Nue's appearance as a ball of light midboss on stages 4 and 6 is similar to the stage 2 midboss of Mystic Square.

6. Nue has the tag "Heian" on her song and a couple of her spell cards. Heian may be referring to the Heian period (794 AD-1185 AD) of Japanese history.

6. Her age of approximately 800 years also places her origins at the end of or during the Heian period.

7. Nue is the first Extra stage boss in the Windows series to have not met the final boss prior to the start of the game in which she first appears.

8. She is the first character to appear as a boss in the Extra stage of two different Touhou Project games.

9. The fact she's an Extra stage boss, some fans have compared her to Flandre Scarlet. This has led to her fan nickname, "U.F.O-wen." She sometimes shows up with Flandre and Koishi Komeiji, both EX bosses.

10. Nue's often theorized to be the Mysterious Orb in Lotus Land Story due to similarities. A reason is that UFO had the idea to reference the PC-98 era, hence the return of Makai.

(But srsly, I'm kind of peeved that ZUN put Makai in a Windows Game but Shinki wasn't even in it???)

11. She's often shown with a mischievous, if not, seductive nature, though there are some innocent Nue portrayals.

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