Rin Kaenbyou

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Requested by rei5yen

1. Kasha are a type of youkai that appear amidst stormy weather to bear the bodies of sinners to Hell. They are said to be cats that have turned into youkai.

2. Rin may be the most persistent Touhou boss, appearing as a mid-boss in three stages in addition to being a stage boss all in one game.

3. She's also the only Windows Stage 5 boss who isn't a servant or subordinate of the Stage 6 boss, since she's a pet of Satori, who is the Stage 4 boss.

4. She's who actually causes the "incident" in Subterranean Animism.

5. Rin is commonly referred to as just "Orin" instead of her full name because that's what shows as her boss title in SA.

6. Careful observers will notice that Rin has both human ears and cat ears.

6.5 : haha, you just scrolled up to look at the picture, didn't chu?

7. In Double Spoiler, when taking a picture of Rin in her cat form, the player is awarded the "Cat bonus", which gives a bonus of 666 points.

8. She is paired very often with Chen for obvious reasons.

9. Her "dancing" motion in Hopeless Masquerade became popular among fans, and the .gif image has been pasted in several scenarios.

gif image has been pasted in several scenarios

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