Shou Toramaru

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1. "Shou" means "star", which is also fitting considering the extraterrestrial implications given by the game's title.

2. "Toramaru" can be literally translated as "tiger circle". However, the word "maru" is also used to end the names of ships in Japan, which is fitting, considering one of the main aspects of Undefined Fantastic Object is the "treasure ship".

3. Her appearance seems to be based upon that of Bishamonten, the Japanese equivalent of Vaisravana, who is often depicted holding a spear and a small pagoda.

4. Shou may have been inspired by one of Vaisravana's frequent companions in artistic depictions and sutras, an unidentified man wearing a tiger skin. She may also have been inspired by his usual mount, a Snowlion, but as Snowlions are more similar to dogs than to tigers, this seems unlikely.

5. She is an avatar of Bishamonten, Byakuren is a follower of Bishamonten and the Myouren Temple also worships Bishamonten. Therefore, Byakuren worships and follows her own disciple.

6. Incidentally, even though Shou stays at the Myouren Temple, she is a heavy drinker and often becomes inebriated.

7. She carries a spear, just like the Buddhist god of treasure and Bishamonten, on whom her character is based. She can't actually fight with it, though, since that's a part of her purposeful imitation of a statue of Bishamonten. She uses it like a walking stick instead.

8. The laser pagoda is more powerful than Shou herself and is the true source of the infamous lasers. Apparently it accounts for about 80% of Shou's strength.

9. Some fans have compared her and Nazrin's relationship to Ran  and Chen's, as all four of them are animal youkai, and Nazrin comes back much more powerful as Shou's midboss, much like how Chen comes back more powerful as Ran's mid boss.

10. Due to the fact she has lost her Pagoda, fanwork portray her as a very distracted and/or forgetful person, losing frequently things she has or forgetting where they are.

11. She no longer possesses the ability to change into her beast form.

12. Shou also possesses a mandala, a symbolic object of Buddhism, according to Double Spoiler.

13. In her official profile, as well as in her dialogue, Shou is characterized as very honest and straightforward.

14.  When Shou was first introduced, her name (Shou is usually masculine, while -maru is masculine when used in a given name) and outfit, combined with being an avatar of a male god, led some fans to mistake her for male.

15. Despite numerous fanworks applying "darker and edgier" interpretations to the rest of Myouren , Shou is almost never depicted villainously. A prime example of this is in Koishi Komeiji's Heart-Throbbing Adventure. Shou was one of the few of her comrades, besides Nazrin (and possibly Nue) to resist the lunacy-inducing moon.

(I watched part of episode 8 some time ago, and lets just say: her punishment was quite gruesome)

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