Remilla Scarlet

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Requested by @SpeedyGonzalesOC

1. Due to "The Young Descendant of Tepes", the name of the final stage theme of EoSD, she has been sometimes linked to Count Dracula's lineage. This is because Dracula's full name is Vlad Ţepeş Dracul.

2. ZUN has denied that she is related to the Dracul family. However, Remilia herself asserts that she is a descendant of Ţepeş. She could be lying.

2. Like most vampires, Remilia has the power of shapeshifting, which she uses to shape shift into a bat.

3. Unlike most vampires, her wings remain visible even when she is in human form, making it impossible to pass herself off completely as a human.

4. In Perfect Memento, Remilia claimed that when she arrived in Gensokyo, she killed all the other vampires that lived there. Later, it was revealed that Remilia lied to Hidea no Akyu in some facts, making that possibly a lie.

5. Remilia is not only Sakuya's master but the one who gave Sakuya her name (according to Perfect Memento).

6. The leading theory is that Sakuya was once a vampire hunter, and Remilia earned Sakuya's servitude by besting her in combat.

7. According to Gensokyo's timeline, Remilia was born in the year 1502, making her, as well as Flandre and Toyosatomimi no Miko, three of very few characters whose birth dates are actually known.

8. One of Remilia's weapons is the Gungnir, a spear that is described as having the ability to always hit its mark. You could say, the target is fated to be hit, making it a very fitting weapon for Remilia.

9. Like Flandre's signature weapon, Remilia's Gungnir holds a strong magic, but at a lesser level than Flandre's Lævateinn.

10. It is quite coincidental that Remilia's appearance was in the 6th Touhou game. She is the Stage 6 boss, and the player fights through 6 spell cards on that stage on any playable difficulty (Remilia has 5 spell cards total and Sakuya has 1 on that stage). When these numbers are all put together, it reads "666", aka the "Number of the Beast".

11. Much like her sister, when using a bomb on her last spell card, she turns into a bat, making Remilla invincible to bombs (spellcards).

12. Some fan works have theorized that Remilia uses her power to manipulate fate unconsciously. Otherwise, it would be far too powerful. For instance, if she was able to control a person's fate actively, she could have made it Reimu's fate to lose to her.

13. ZUN has hinted otherwise in Sakuya's Perfect Memento article, where Akyu theorized that Remilia may have manipulated Sakuya's fate to one where she could have a more friendly relationship with other human beings.

14. One of her SWR palettes resembles Flandre Scarlet. Another seems to resemble to Koakuma. Another palette looks similar to Mai or Sakuya Izayoi. The others alternate pallets in Touhou Hisoutensoku resemble Patchouli Knowledge, Hong Meiling, respectively.

SWR and Hisoutensoku Palettes:

SWR and Hisoutensoku Palettes:

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15. Remilia Scarlet's theme, Septette for the Dead Princess, is based on Ludwig van Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor, Op 13 "Pathetique" 3 Rondo: Allegro.

16. Remilia does have a European appearance. It could also be that she's from Romania, but this is just speculation.

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