Alice Margatroid

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Requested by YumekoTheMaid

1. Two of the dolls Alice carries are called Shanghai and Hourai. Shanghai has appeared with several different outfits, but is always depicted with a red ribbon tied in a bow in its hair. No official artwork of Hourai exists. Thus all fan depictions of Hourai are original.

2. Being known as the "Seven-Colored Puppeteer" or "Rainbow Puppeteer", Alice apparently believes in a color correlation between color and power level.

3. During her dialogue with Reimu, she claims that Reimu's powers are only equal to 28.5714% of her own powers, due to Reimu's outfit only consisting of two colors.

4. According to Aya Shameimaru during her interview with Eirin Yagokoro, Alice has been a recurring customer of Eirin's, coming to see her to buy a medicine she developed called Kochoumugan (a.k.a. Butterfly Dream Pill). The medicine guarantees one who consumes it to have pleasant dreams once they fall asleep. This may be a reference to "Alice in Wonderland."

5. Alice's dolls appear to be able to act and talk independently, but according to her Perfect Memento article, she hasn't yet succeeded in creating an independent doll.

6. Her dolls are filled with gunpowder.

7. She is one of the four characters to appear in both PC-98 and Windows games, and the others being Reimu, Marisa, and Yuuka.

8. A closer look at Alice's book in her character portrait for Imperishable Night reveals that the writing possibly spells out "Grimoire". This further proves the theory of it possibly being the same Grimoire which Alice used back in the Mystic Square Extra Stage. Dang how long has she had that thing?

9. When she appears as a Mystic Square stage 3 boss, Alice uses 2 fairy like creatures as assistants when she attacks the player. These could be the 'Dolls' that Alice uses in the PC-98 age, or even early designs of Shanghai and Hourai.

10. Because of Shinki's dialog, in which she mentions that everything in Makai is her creation, it is thought that Alice is Shinki's daughter. However, there's been no further mention of this since then.

11. Perfect Memento states that Alice was once a human who became a youkai magician.

12. Alice appears on the cover of Mystic Square.

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