1 - Saviour

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I ran as fast as I could as the autumn leaves crunch beneath my paws. I hear a deathing howl in the distance making me only run faster. I fall down a hill as sticks and stones stick into my skin I keep my mouth shut.

Once I get to the bottom I continue to run again.

'I know I won't stop running till my heart stops beating'
That's the way to go!!!
'Haha anyways I gotta focus on running talk soon'

I say shutting off my wolf Amber. 'I can't believe I escaped after 18 years'. As I was thinking to myself I ran into a tree making a low growl escape my lips I immediately regret that as I hear a howl.

I continue to run as fast as I can. I fall down a second hill but don't stop. I make my way onto a beach and let the sand get between my paws is this what sand feels like?

It feels so goodddddd...Can we stop by the um... what is it again...?
'A ocean'
OH YEA that Please!!!
'I can't they'll ge--'

I smash into a big rock when I fall on the slimy thing I feel a sharp pain in my back but quickly remove it. SILLY ROCK I growl at it. But my growl is returned with another one...one that'll I'll never forget Karlie the Luna.

She gets ready to pounce I close my eyes shut tight and wait for the impact of her teeth but it never comes. I open my eyes to see a huge black wolf on top of her wolf growling at her. He steps off and she runs.

He turns around to me with black eyes meaning his wolf is in control. "Shift" He growls at me I turn into my human form and quickly a pain shots up my rib cage to my head. He runs over to me and I shut my eyes tightly ready for him to finish me off  instead I feel a soft tongue licking the wound.

I open my eyes to see a big hole in my rags not like there weren't more. Note Sarcasm.
He howls loudly in fact...I must be in his territory. "Mate" He growls shifting to his human form.

He picks me up bridal style and holds me close. I fill tingles as his skin touches mine but to calms me and I fall asleep into a peaceful... Sleep.

I wake up to the sound of a monitor beeping. NO NO NO NO no no no no No!!! I look around me and see it's very clean not like the ones they had at the dungeon. I must of hurt myself bad to be here!

The door nob turns as I pull out the ivs that stick in my veins. I rush over to second door and open it slowly then close it before a growl hits my ears. I run into the bath shower and close the curtains. All I can do is hope.

The sound of the bathroom door being open fills my ears and I cuddle closer to the tub hoping he won't see me. The curtains slid open and I look up a little to see the man that saved me again. Doesn't mean he could kill me.

I back away into the corner of the tub and look into his eyes. They are full of sadness.
"Don't worry I won't hurt you" That's what they said. "What's your name love?" Him saying love sent chills down my spine. I hold my ears and shake my head uncontrollably.

"Shhh shhh calm down" His voice sounds soft with sadness that I'm doing this but I don't stop I squint my eyes tighter before I feel a sharp pain in my rib I scream and his eyes immediately goes gold meaning his not happy.

I pull my legs up to my chest and burry my head deep in my knees. Even though my ribs still hurt so bad I'm to scared to face him.

"I'm sorry...But I need to get you a doctor I'll be right back...Don't move ok?" He says as he walks away and out the bathroom. A girl runs into the bathroom and I curl back into a ball.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you! I was looking for a bathroom OH MY GOSH!!! Are you ok your bleeding!!! I'll get a doctor" "No need Grace..." The man says leaning against the door frame.

A doctor rushes in and sighs. "Can you pick your mate up and bring her back to the bed?"

I'm scared!
'I am to but we've got eachother we can fight our way out!'

He picks me up but I punch and kick him in the chest and legs but he doesn't flinch. I look up then at my fist it only curls up more in till it can't  no more. I swing my fist up and it hits him right in the jaw.

He drops me and I scramble to my feet before running but it's not long until I fall down again and roll onto my back. The same man from before picks my up again and puts me on the bed.

"She's got cuts, bruises, scars and a bunch more I cannot imagine what she's been through" The doctor says "but is she stable?" "Yes but I don't know if she can speak...Her cords are fine but she just doesn't speak" The doctors says making the man wimper a bit.

"IM HERE TO" Yells the girl I can't help but smile but I quickly remove it when he sees it.
"HI!!! I'm Grace...And this boy is....DA ALPHA or Alpha Luke or Luke or Lukie or Lucky or.." "OK SHE GETS IT" He yells making me wimper.

"SEE you scared her not me" Grace says with a huff. "I'm sorry...I'll be out side then sorry again I'm really am--" He starts but before he can finish he his pushed outside and the door is slammed shut.

"AHEM ANYWAYS... I'm sure where going to be great friends why don't you talk?" She says sitting besides me. I shrug. "Where you held captive?" I nod my head. "How long?! 3? 5?" She says leaning closer. I put up all my fingers then 8. "18 WEEKS wow that's longer than anyone I know" I shake my head and she just looks confused.

"18 months?!!!" She says baffled. I shake my head no again. "18 YEARS!!!" She yells I nod my head before tears well up in my eyes "Your 18 right?"

Are we?
'I think so..I don't remember my parents'
Yeah and if you didn't I would so yeah we are jeez

I nod my head only making her pace around the room. "Alpha Luke!!!" Grace yells and he is inside the room in a flash, "Yes?" He says nervously. "She's...been locked up and beat for 18....*breath* years" His eyes go black. "HOW OLD IS SHE?!" He yells at Grace. She takes a breath then speaks. "18" Which only makes him growl louder.

Grace helps me sit up and makes my hand touch his. There they are again the sparks. It clams him down and now there both pacing in the room. I cross my legs and look at Alpha Luke.

"What's your name?" He says sitting down next to me. I've heard my name a couple of times but THEY usually call me love or babe or if I'm bad my normal name Opal.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I haven't spoken in 11 years. I look around the room and swallow hard then notice a ring on Graces finger and opal. I point at it and they look straight at it. "Opal? That's a pretty name for a pretty girl" Grace says.

I go in a ball and cover my ears.

Well they hurt us?
' Honestly'

I don't know...

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