20 - Sick?

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Opal P.O.V

I sit up straight holding my neck catching my breath. It feels like I've been under water for way to long. I look to the side to see two children, ones fainted and the other is on the verge of tears.

"Jasmine..." The little boy says sobbing on his seat. I look down at the little girl she looks just like me. Was she my daughter. I pick her up rocking her in my arms as if she was a baby I touch her cheek, and I see something I've never seen before.

"Hi mommy! It worked your awake!" The little girl Jasmine giggled. "You are my kid? How what..."

"This is the only way we can communicate mommy..." She starts to talk but stops as I hug her tightly. I sob onto her shoulder like a kid again. "I'm so so sorry" I say muffled between sobs.

She hugs me back before we pulled away. " There's one way you can leave but don't worry you can talk to me again! Just by touching my cheek cool huh?!" She smiles brushing away some of my tears.

" I'll talk to you again I promise...But how do I get out?" I ask "Just say someone's name three times!" She chuckles. Her cheeky grin is so cute, "Luke, Luke, Luke"

"Goodbye mom" Is all I hear before I'm back in the hospital room.

"Goodbye" I say kissing her cheek, I lay her down in the bed turning my gaze to the boy. "Is everything ok?" I ask him bending down to his level. He looks up at me wide eyed "She was my friend like a sister" He smiles sadly recalling memories. I smile at this.

I cup his cheek and focus on Jasmine as I reach out and touch her cheek as well and I'm back at the place not long after.

"JASMINE!" He yells running up and hugging her tightly "Jeez don't kill me please" Jasmine says between breaths. He let's go and runs his neck nervously "Sorry Jaz"

"Hey Mom!" She smiles waving at me as I walk up to her and the boy. "This is deacon his totally my brother" She winks at me. I wink back earning a chuckles from her. "I'm going to leave you guys" I say winking at them both.

I say Luke's name three times before going back to the hospital room once more.

I un-cup there cheeks as I chuckle at the scene. I whip away the boys extra tears before moving out of the room and walking down the hall way. I bend over feeling a pain in my stomach. I stand up straight again feeling light headed I walk to the kitchen. I grab a glass cup filling it with water, and drinking it.

I dump it in the water filled sink before filling sick again. I grab another glass but is shot with dizzyness and drop it. Everything on my screen goes fuzzy as I watch the glass pieces.  The light is turned one as I turn to the figure that turned it on an intoxicating scent fills the air of pine and chocolate. Luke.

"Opal?" He asked astonished "Daughter saved me" I smile, my vision comes back and I search the cupboard for some pain killers I end up finding them grabbing a PLASTIC cup and swallowing them.

I turn back to Luke and run hugging him tightly. I suddenly feel a sick pain and before I know it I'm over the sink throwing up. Luke rubs my back as I continue to spill yellow gooy stuff.

Once I'm finished Luke helps me clean up and takes me to bed.

One of Luke hands draws circles on my back as the other one hangs over my waist. "You need to relax ok?" He whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. I nod slightly before letting darkness consume me once more.

I wake up to the sound of chirping birds singing there own melody as the sun dances across my closed eyes, the warm feeling as left my waist and back as I hear the shower patting on the floor from the bathroom.

Luke must be in there I think to myself not opening my eyes. I roll onto my other side inhailing his scent that was there just minutes ago. The sun no longer dances across my closed eyes and the birds have finished there song along with Luke.

The bathroom door squeaks open as a click sound rings in my head as the door is closed. A small kiss is planted on my temples before I hear the closet being open and clothes torn out of it ready to be worn.

I open my eyes slightly to see a Luke staring at me "I'll be back just going to get some food for you ok?" He smiles "MhhMm" I reply to tired to open my mouth. He kisses my cheek before leaving me alone with his lingering scent.

Two small clicking sounds awakes me from my day dreaming as I sit up staring at the food Luke has brought me.

"There's toast eggs and some pain killers with water ok...I need to do some work you'll be ok alone right?" He says placing the food which was on a tray I front of me. I nod my head as he leaves to go do work.

I eat slowly and drink the pain killers down to my stomach. I stand up slowly feeling a slight pain in my stomach but continue to walk to the bathroom. Still filled with Luke's scent I hope in the shower letting the hot water do it's job.

I hope out the shower drying my self off wrapping a towel around me I brush my teeth before heading back into the room. I grab one of Luke's tshirt which goes down to my thighs. I grab some of my socks slipping them on I walk back to the bed.

I go underneath the covers grabbing Luke's phone opening it lucky me it doesn't have a password.

I see a couple of apps.

CandyCrush, IMovie, YouTube, NotePad, Spotify, Wires and Panda Rush. I grab some headphones on the side of the table plugging them in and going on Spotify I play a song called ' TroubleMaker ' before playing ' Stay ' Then Tag your it.

I fill myself grow tired of listing to songs as I place the phone and headphones back on the table I grabbed a book called ' Angel ' Instead. I read the last words of page 113 before placing a bookmark in it placing it beside the phone.

I lay down feeling sleepy. Tugging the pillow closer I fall into a deep sleep.

Chapter 20 - Sick?

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O...K....I got nothing to say BYEEEEEEEE

See you next chapter...

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