6 - Night Village

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I shift back to my human self and I have scratches and bruises plus a couple of scars but that won't be a problem. I'm covered in dirt, grass and blood. My hair sticks every where and I've got no shoes on.

I walk back to the pack house where everyone stands. They all gasp as they see me but one pair of eyes don't every leave me, Luke. I walk up to him and stand in front of him. "I will not be the Alpha of he Pack I just killed, and I'll complete it by saying. I Opal Magnificent Orgin do not wish to be Alpha of the Black Moon Pack" I yell to everyone while moving back so they can hear me.

They gasp and whisper. Luke eyes are still on me. "You killed him?!" Someone yells. "Yes, I killed the Black Moon Alpha" I say wrapping a bandana around my head. I walk throw the path the crowd made and walked inside and up to the same guest bedroom.

I strip and have a shower, brush my teeth and dress in a cherry red dress. I put the bandana back on and step outside meeting Luke. "Wow...How did you do that?" He asks I frown and walk outside. "What's wrong?" He says sadly. I stop dead in my tracks.

What's wrong? What's wrong?! HA he must be joking. "What's wrong?" I chuckle "Yea.....What's wrong why are you mad?" He asks. I burst out laughing then continue to walk he's so selfish.

I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple and start to eat it. "How did you take them all down?" The beta asks confused "Girls are strong...By the way what's your name?" I ask feeling a bit down. I mean jeez girls are strong as well PEOPLE.

"I'm Beta Liam" He smiles looking at me. "Well Liam, Your big Alpha isn't so tough" I chuckle throwing away my apple in the bin. Score!

He chuckles "How come?" "Oh well, Kissing someone then asking them what's wrong so tough" I laugh. "So that's what's wrong, I didn't kiss her she kissed me" My smile and laugh quickly disappear. "Liam follow me will ya?" I say he nods and gives a guilty look a Luke before I drag him outside.

I pull of my dress to revel a black training suit. "Fight me"

Jeez your crazy how about we kiss Luke and make up?
' No '
' No '
I'll give you all the strength
' No '

That's it I shut of my wolf and punch Liam in the face. He rumbles to the ground but then looks amused he stands up and gets in a fighting position. I throw another punch but he dodges it making me mad. I quickly make my way to the back of him and slid under neath him tripping him making him fall the ground.

I'm quick to turn him around and press on of his hands behind his back. "Well done Luna" "Its Opal". "Yes Lu--Opal" He smiles. I jump of him and smile. "Train you need lots of it" I say chuckling back to the house. Luke.

"Opal I'm sorry she kissed me and I'm very sorry I didn't mean to I kicked her off you saw that" He says sincerely "Look, I forgive you but it's going to take a"
I feel droopy? Like my world is turning up side Down. I take step back but wait wasn't there a wall here? I dunno.

I catch a glimpse of Liam training and looks at me before I fall into darkness.

Luke P.O.V

Opal starts to walk backwards. What is she doing? "Opal?" I ask but I get no reply. "Opal?!" I say a little louder still no reply. She falls and her eyes shut. I quickly grab her before she drops and his her head.

Dr. Please come here quick...It's the Luna!


My beta Liam runs over to us and crouches down. "What's wrong with her?" He asks. I notice a big bruise starting to form on his cheek. "What happened to your cheek?" I ask he chuckles then answers. "Opal Happened" I look down at her. She looks so peaceful, she doesn't deserve any of this.

1 Week Later

It's been a week and my angel still hasn't woken up. The doctor says she has to wake up and there's nothing we can do. I try to get into her mind but no use it's like she won't let me. As if there's a wall, he was right when he said she has to do it by her self.

Opal P.O.V

I've been in this small. Village for a day but how did I get here? I've asked a little girl but she doesn't no either. I walk up to a young man with green eyes and blond hair.

"Hello?" I say poking his shoulder he turns and faces me with a smile. "Hi! I was wondering because I don't know myself actually, Do you have even the slightest clue where we are?" I smile back.

He shakes his head but then opens his mouth "No one does actual I've asked every single person in this village but there's not a single person who knows all we know is that we've been we'll I have probably in the real world been asleep for about 3 years"

"How do you know?" "Well I used to tell time by Shadows and when I do know there different and this is what I've figured out,
1 day for us is 1 week for the real world" "I've been here for a week?!" I screech

"To my calculation is yes you have but when I tell you it's rear to leave I mean it there's only ever been one person" "Who?!"
"See that secured area the one with the silver an old man used to live there one day he just disappeared he was on the road he took a drink and then just like that he was gone into thin air"

"Every body has tried to get in there but we've all failed" Silver...I can't go near it but it might help me. Ehhh I dunno.

"Anyways that's all I know anything else?" He asks politely "No, thanks for your help!" I say waving goodbye. He turns on his heels and walks away slowly. I need to find a way out!


"ATTACK" Is all I hear before I'm running.

Night Village | Chapter 6

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