18 - Little Girl

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I sat up as I rubbed my eyes, I was in a hospital bed. Why do I always end up here? I should live here honestly! A pair of strong muscular arms wrap around me I'm bracing me with a warm hug.

I hug the person back in hailing there scent. Luke. "Don't ever leave me" He says in hailing my scent once more. " nunca te dejaré " I smile. He pulls back with confused eyes. "What did you say?" I roll my eyes and repeat " nunca te dejaré " Luke nods and says " And that means?" He stares smiling.

" That's for me to know and you to find out " I laugh as his smile disappears. Luke rolls his eyes as he gets up "I'm gonna get a doctor I'll be back" "Great" I say doing jazz hands. He leaves the room and I look at my stomach jeez I'm getting fat.

A doctor comes in nodding at Luke as Luke nods back ache comes up to me and smiles. " I'm just gonna do some small things ok?" I laugh and nod my head. He places two fingers on my wrist and nods then me stomach. He presses down a bit a sighs.

"Alpha please step out of the room for a second" Luke nods and leaves with hesitation. The doctor pulls a empty needle out and pulls up a bit of my gown to show a bit of my belly. He sticks the needle in as I wince.

He takes it out full of my blood before putting it in a tube and taking it to a separate room.
He comes out with my blood and puts it down. "Has Alpha marked you?" He asks not turning around.

I think I'm a tomato right about now. "NO!" I panicked "Have you done the deed with anyone else. In the pack?" He says turning around, haha where twin tomatoes. "NO!" I panicked again.

"Then how are you pregnant". My eyes widen in fear I know exactly how. Him. The Alpha or should I say Ex- Alpha of the Black Moon Pack.

My heart racing 100mp my face flushes and knowing I'm pregnant with his child!?! I shake my head I'm pretty sure I could feel my brain knocking on the sides of my skull. "No no no no no no no no no no no" I repeat.

"Luna Opal, Calm down...Ok I'm going to get Alpha Luke ok?" The doctor walks out the door and starts saying something but I'm to focused on the on thing right now.

I tug my legs closer to my chest and sit up right in a ball while pulling at my hair, I repeat no in till I've got no breath at all but I don't stop. "Opal calm down look at me" Luke says sitting beside me removing my hands from hair and holding them instead.

I rock backwards and forwards what's next huh? I'm having children and and up dead having them?! "Opal look at me" Luke says. I turn my head towards him he makes me calm down a little back not much.

His emerald green eyes hold concern and worry, as his black hair is fuzzy and cute. He let's go of my hands and I realised I had rolled out of my ball shape and as look let go of my hands he stand up straight and walks to the doctor at the front door.

I stand up and walk over to the doctor stand where he has all his medical stuff and search through it slowly. I finally find what I'm looking for and look back at the doctor and Luke, still talking I think to myself.

Knowing what I have to do even though I'll end up in a hospital bed again, I reassure myself this is a good idea.  I grab the object and look at it made of silver but not the kind that hurts wolves.

I closer my eyes holding it in front of me breathing in and out. ' This may sting a little ' I whisper to myself like the doctors would before they stick a needle in your arm. I smile this is for MY benefit.

I look at Luke and the doctor one my time breathing in his scent before plunging it in and letting out a piercing scream.

I turn to look at the doctor and Luke who are both starring at me before taking it out dropping it the ground and smiling. " No te preocupes " I reassured them before letting darkness consume me.

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