Chapter 4.1 Fire Meeting

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Alam opened the tent door. The days of mourning were over. It was fine for families to quietly grieve, but the rest of the clan must hide their tears and move on.

"Bring back some fresh water, Alam," Khalesar called out.

"Of course," he replied. Bending over to pick up the bucket hurt. But then so did walking. And breathing.

His wounds were healing quickly thanks to Khalesar's skills, but the cut on his thigh was still heavily bandaged. She told him it would scar.

Tajar says women like scars.

Not that he would know.

Alam headed for the river. Shortly after passing out of the camp he heard feet hurrying after him. He tried to twist his torso to see who it was, but changed his mind when the wounds on his torso reminded him that they had come along for the walk. More cautiously he turned his whole body around. It was Shaleh.

"Hello Alam," she said. It seemed for a moment that a smile flickered on her face before she composed herself into a more seemly, solemn expression. Mourning may be over, but it was still not the time for showing joy outside one's tent.

"Good morning Shaleh. How is your neck?"

"Healing well, thanks to Khalesar's ointment. And you? How are your wounds?"

"Healing well, also thanks to Mother," he said. "I hardly feel them now."

"You are a really bad liar," she only barely stopped herself from smiling. "The way you walk tells a different story."

"You are fetching water as well?" asked Alam, pointing to the bucket in her hand and changing the subject.

"Yes, shall I join you?"

He started hobbling towards the river. "Only if you can keep up with me."

Shaleh's face broke into a smile. So did Alam's.

"How is your family?" Alam asked.

"Mother is grieving for Arj of course." Arj had been Pim's younger cousin. "And father is worried. He hides it well, but I can tell that his mind is troubled. I think he worries about the clan being weakened with so many warriors lost."

"Yes, Mother mentioned that your father may order some mercy unions. Do you think it's likely?"

Shaleh's face fell. "He has been talking about marriages."

"What did he say?"

"I don't think I should say. He will already be mad at me for saying this much." Shaleh and Alam both withdrew into their own thoughts. They filled their buckets and began the short walk back to camp.



"What do you think about scars?" Alam asked.

Shaleh was bewildered by the change of topics. "This may surprise you but I don't think about scars. Most normal people don't. Do you?"

"I hear that women find them attractive on men."

"Ah," she said, understanding dawning on her. "You're hoping to suddenly become more handsome."


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