Chapter 29.2 - Tunnels

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Xantia knew better than to sleep. Despite being exhausted she knew that if she closed her eyes there was every chance that she would never wake up. The others in the party clearly felt the same. No one even bothered to set up their bed rolls, they simply draped their blankets over their shoulders.

"Tomorrow we will reach our destination," Emerek said.

"Is it far?" asked Scarface.

"No, but it will be difficult to enter. The power I took from the priestess back in the town still flows in me, but I fear it might not be enough."

Around the fire everyone other than Drander, the captain, stiffened and looked down. A sorcerer in need of more power took it from either an enemy or a slave. Neither options were available.

Emerek pointed two fingers at one of the twins next to Xantia. He snatched his hand into a fist. The woman screamed and hit the ground.

"No!" her sister shouted. In one fluid motion she pulled her short sword from its scabbard and pounced at Emerek. The Bloodknight captain was ready. He bashed her with his shield. She hit the ground hard.

"Tie her quickly!" Emerek commanded.

Within moments Scarface and the large man named Noldorae had joined their captain in restraining the shield bashed woman. Emerek still held his fist tight causing the other twin to scream and writhe on the ground near the fire. Once the male Bloodknights had finished tying their victim's hands and legs Emerek released his fist. The woman went limp. She shakily raised herself onto her elbows. She looked in horror at her bound sister. The captain strode over and hit her with a vicious backhand. She collapsed unconscious at Xantia's side.

Emerek pulled out his dagger and walked over to the bound twin. She had stopped kicking and straining against her bonds. Her eyes were dilated in fear, but she had composed herself.

"Why me? I have served you faithfully. Why not her?" she nodded her head in Xantia's direction. "Or Noldorae? His stupidity has failed you before. It will fail you again."

"I will need Noldorae's strength. And Xantia, if she is telling the truth about knowing the thieves' strengths and weaknesses, is more valuable than you. Rest assured that if she is lying she will be the next to die."

"And my sister? What do you plan to do to her?"

"She will continue to serve faithfully or she will also die."

The woman took a deep breath and released it slowly. "I am ready."

Emerek licked his lips excitedly. He quietly muttered the words of the ritual while the knife rose slowly. Once the words ran out he plunged the knife down. She grunted, but did not scream. Xantia looked away in disgust.

What is wrong with me? Time among the barbarians has definitely made me weak if I can't stomach the sight of blood.

Once the woman was dead, and the ritual was completed, Emerek put his shaking hands into his robes and extracted a red enamel amulet. He knelt on one knee and indicated to everyone else to do the same.

Pressing the red disk to his forehead he spoke clearly. "Liege, your faithful servant Emerek wishes to hear your counsel."

They all waited on one knee. Time passed. Xantia hoped no response would come.

Suddenly the amulet on Emerek's forehead heated up. Instantly his mind's eye was taken to a large marble floored room partially lit with flickering braziers.

"Emerek. Do you have good news for me?" Liege Marext asked.

"We enter the tunnel tomorrow."

"Then why contact me now?"

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