Chapter 29.3 - Tunnels

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Killing the twin gave Emerek manic energy and impatience. He kicked his horse constantly, urging it up the slope. The rest of the group kept up, but gave him room. There was an unpredictability in his movements that set everyone on edge. Xantia also made sure she was positioned well away from the surviving twin whose face was a murderous cloud.

The day was full of dread. Almost as soon as they left the camp in the morning Xantia felt it - a nameless fear pushed at her. It began as a vague uneasiness. She found herself glancing twice into shadows and noticing every least noise the forest made. The bloodknights must have felt it too. They nervously glanced over their shoulders and laid their hands on the hilts of their weapons. As the group climbed higher up the forested slope the feeling grew in intensity. Xantia's heart rate rose. Her breathing became more shallow. Even though she could not see anything she knew she was being watched by something vengeful, something dangerous.

"There's something lurking in here," Noldorae whispered as his big head swung from side to side, looking into the forest.

"I sense it too," said Drander. "Be on your guard."

The only one who seemed blind to the menace was Emerek. The sorcerer pushed his horse ever harder forward. In his impatience and eagerness he was creating a gap between himself and the others.

Suddenly Scarface screamed out in terror. He pulled the reins of his horse so hard the beast reared up on its hind legs.

"Look!" he pointed upwards. Xantia could only see blue sky half covered in clouds.

To her side Noldorae swore loudly. His heavy mace swung out, ready for combat.

"It's in there!" the huge man pointed into forest. "It's coming!"

Xantia's heart was racing. She pivoted in her seat and looked where Noldorae was pointing. There was only forest.

"I can't see it!" she said. "Where is it?"

Behind her the twin screamed. "Asps! They're everywhere!" She squirmed in the saddle staring at the ground. She tugged on the reins. The horse reared. She pulled its head to the side. Xantia looked at the ground below the rearing horse. There was nothing but pine needles and tree roots.

"I can't see..." she began to say. Then she saw it. Fifty paces away a hellcat appeared from behind a large rock. The beast was twice her height, bigger even than the monster that had torn Prall in half. Its mottled fur was matted with filthy stains. Its muzzle was red from some recent feast. Its yellow eyes fixed onto Xantia. "Hellcat!" she screamed. With perfect agility it vaulted over the large rock in its path. Xantia fumbled at her long knives. The horse beneath her stamped nervously. It shook its head from side to side. The hellcat loped down the hill towards her.

I'll be dead in an instant on this horse.

She threw herself off the horse. She hit the ground with a shoulder roll and came up facing the hellcat. It growled low and menacing as it padded towards her.

"Help me!" she shouted. The beast crouched to spring.

Xantia tried to step behind a nearby tree but her feet would not move. Pain lanced through her legs. She glanced down. Her legs were thigh deep in brambles. They drew blood through her leggings. Every least movement made the thorns bite deeper into her skin.

The hellcat pounced. Xantia was struck in the chest and thrown to the ground. The brambles twisted around her arms as if they had a mind of their own. She was completely immobilised.

"Help!" she cried. Suddenly she was aware of her heart. It was racing, pounding in her chest.

Calm down! Calm down!

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