Chapter 8.1 Willowstream

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Midafternoon, Empa Clan arrived at Willowstream: a small meandering river that lazed its way south. The trees for which the stream was named provided welcome shade after the two day journey in the sun.

"Shaleh, pass word around that all are to meet by that large willow," said Chief Urlock as he pointed to an ancient, knobbly tree.

Once all were gathered Urlock addressed his people.

"Empa Clan. This is our camp for the rest of the summer. It has everything we need: clean water, timber, shade, and good grass for grazing. All families are to set up tents quickly. At this stage you need only put up the main structure of your tents. You can unpack your belongings later, first we need to do some earthworks. Our priorities, after the basic tents are up, will be setting up the forge, and creating palisades and trenches around camp. Once done, we will dig a pit on the banks of the river to ensure a supply of water through drought or siege. I need not stress that time is against us. We will work through day and night until we are done. There is no rest for any able bodied man, woman or youth. All others, except those unable to walk, will cook and bring cups of water to keep up our strength."

The Clan dispersed. Families staked out their plot of land. For a couple of hours the camp was a chaos of wooden poles and canvas. The village sprang up quickly. Within a few hours it looked like the tents had always been there.

Attention was then turned towards defenses. Chief Urlock paced and marked out where the palisades were to be built. Some took axes to young willows with slender but strong trunks or branches of older trees that were straight enough to be used. Others began digging. Still others cut off trailing willow branches to strip the bark and braid it for temporary rope.

Sometime after midnight Shaleh dropped her shovel and slumped to the ground.

"Gultan," she turned to the young woman next to her.

"Yes?" Gultan stopped digging and used the back of her hand to wipe dirt off her face.

"Do you remember that summer you told your parents you were going to run away, but then we tried to hide you in my tent?"

"Behind your bed wasn't a very good hiding place," Gultan smiled.

"You were always getting me in trouble," Shaleh laughed.

"Me?" Gultan put her hands on her hips. "You're the bad influence, not me! You're the one that dared me to throw the empty wasp nest into Tajar's home!"

"True," Shaleh conceded. "That was a good day."

"We've had a lot of good days."

"Yes." Shaleh looked at her feet. "I'm going to miss them, and I'm going to miss you."

Gultan sat down next to Shaleh and wrapped her arm over her shoulders.

"I will miss you as well, Shaleh."

"No you won't," Shaleh smiled weakly. "Now that you're a mother you'll be too busy to notice I'm gone."

"I'm not even going to reply to that," Gultan pushed Shaleh's head playfully and stood back up. "Self-pity doesn't suit you."

Shaleh nodded her head, picked up her shovel, and stood back up.

"Gultan, would you sing for us all while we dig," she waved her hand to indicate the line of others working on the palisades. "There is something about tonight that feels threatening, like the dargu could attack at any moment."

"Of course," Gultan agreed. "Where to begin..." she muttered. She lifted her head to the stars and looked around, as if searching for inspiration. After a few seconds of silence she must have found it because she filled her lungs and burst into song. She sang an old tune that was usually sung during firewood gathering. It was a playful song about two lovers hiding from each other in the trees. After the first stanza other voices from around the palisade holes joined in. By the end of the song even the shy singers had quietly joined in. No sooner had it finished than Gultan started another one; a mischievous horse stealing song. Soon all had forgotten their tiredness and were swinging axes, and plunging shovels into the ground.

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