Chapter 21.1 - Spite and Respite

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Alam, Tajar, and Frost walked north along the river bank. After an hour or so of slow progress, with Tajar having to stop frequently to catch his breath, Alam decided that they were far enough from Gretch to relax.

"Frost, now that we seem safe you need to tell us what's going on," he insisted.

"I don't really know very much," she shrugged.

"There's no use lying to us," said Alam.

"I have never lied to you," she asserted.

"But you have hidden the truth, and that's just as bad," said Tajar.

"Is it?"

"Of course it is," answered Tajar.

"And you know a lot more that we do," said Alam. "Let's start with the man who attacked us. Who is he, and how do you know him?"

"He is Gretch the Hunter. He is renowned on the other side of the mountains. It is said that he never fails to catch his prey, and he kills anything that gets in the way."

Realisation struck Alam. "He's the man in the fire!"

"What man in the fire?" asked Tajar.

"Remember the night the dargu attacked the clan? When Urlock was handing out prizes from the raid? Just before they attacked, the fire burst into life and a strange looking man in the middle of the flames said something about chasing us down."

Tajar nodded as he cast his mind back.

Alam turned back to Frost. "Why is he after the box?"

"I am guessing that Marext sent him to retrieve it from you."


"He is properly known as Liege Marext. He is the prime ruler of Morcham, and is a vicious and powerful sorcerer. Why he wants it I don't know."

"Gretch said inside the box is a rose?" asked Alam.

"The Rose of Clarisai," she supplied.

"What is that?" Alam deliberately held back that the Holyman had told him to take the box to Clarisai.

"I do not know. I heard of it a few years ago being referred to as The Evaran Rose, but really I was just bluffing. I have no idea why it is important. Maybe it is political, or maybe it is worth a lot of money. I was hoping to seem more knowledgeable so he wouldn't kill me."

"What a hero," said Tajar sarcastically.

"I do not pretend to be a hero. Or wish to be," she replied.

"But when Gretch said box contained the rose you asked if his Liege was planning on destroying the clans?"

"That was bluffing again based on what I know of Marext. Marext is a horrible man. If his eyes are turned towards the Plains then there are only two reasons: massacre or enslavement. He has already done both on the other side of the mountains."

"He has massacred others?"

"Yes. He has neither pity nor compassion."

"I have another question," said Alam. "How do you and Gretch know each other?"

"We worked together once."

"Doing what?"

"If I told you, you would despise me."

"I already do," smiled Tajar, "so you might as well tell."

She shut her mouth and did not answer. When it was clear that she would not speak Alam asked a different question.

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