Chapter 14.1 Clan Meet

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Tens of thousands had come to the wide flat lands that Khashbal Clan set aside for the Meet. It was a riot of tents, carts, horses, and running children. Each Clan set up their own camp with their banners fluttering from guy ropes. It made for a colourful - if chaotic - view. An air of excitement was prominent, but there was an undertone of tension. For countless years they had all raided, or been raided by, neighboring clans, and some memories were hard to forgive.

Empa Clan was one of the first clans to arrive, so Urlock made sure they had a central location near the Khashbal tents. Once their own small village of tents were up he sent his people out to help other clans set up. He reminded them that being friendly and helpful to others was the best support they could give to strengthening their Clan.

"Friends do not attack friends," he had quietly told them. "And we need all here to be our friends. Not only so they do not raid us in the coming years, but also so we can find the best possible husband for Shaleh. The way we behave in the next moon will do much to foretell our future. A single kind word could win us a powerful ally."

Pim held Shaleh's hand to keep her back as the rest of the clan spread out amongst their neighbor's tents.

"Not you, daughter," she said. "You have something more important to do."

"What's that?" Shaleh raised an eyebrow.

"We have to see to your dress."

"My dress?"

Pim smiled. "You won't like this, but until it is time to introduce you to your potential husband you are to stay in the tent."

"Why?" she asked angrily.

Pim pushed open their tent flap and led Shaleh inside.

"To make the best possible introduction. First impressions are very important. You need to be a surprise when he and his family first see you. We don't want a potential suitor seeing you dirty and sweaty. They need to see you as a perfect flower so they want to draw closer to you."

"But I'm a warrior, not some ornament! And anyway, wives on the Plains need to be sensible and strong."

"That is true. But what you have to remember is that all men are stupid. They don't really think with their head when it comes to us. They think with other parts of their bodies."

"What? With their toes?" smiled Shaleh.

"Yes, something like that."

"I hope that the husband you and father find is not so shallow that he will judge me only on my appearance."

"Sweet one, remember what I just said? All men are stupid. Some are less stupid than others, but they are all still stupid. Now let's start on your dress." Pim opened up a wooden box and pulled out a wide roll of shiny yellow fabric.

"Silk! Where did you get silk!" Shaleh exclaimed.

"Shh!" Pim said as she raised the bale of silk so that it caught on the beam of light entering from the top of the tent. Her eyes were sparkling. "It is an excellent story that maybe I will tell you one day. In the meantime lower your voice. We women sometimes need our little secrets. This is one of mine, and I don't want you to spoil it by shouting at the top of your voice."

Shaleh reached out to touch the shimmering fabric. Pim quickly slapped her hand away.

"No! Your hands are too rough. I don't want the threads to pull! After a few days sitting around doing nothing we'll see if your hands become soft enough to touch it."

"A few days? I have to stay in here a few days without going out?"

"At least. Probably more like seven."

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