Chapter 13.2 Preparations

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The canyon was quiet. Alam walked alone. He had been here before. A robed man with a bald head appeared. Alam's axe was in his hand. He charged. Someone was huddled at the robed man's feet. Alam stopped running.


A woman in front of him lifted her head.

"Why did you leave? We need you. I need you," she said.

"Shaleh! Move away! He's the sorcerer!" Alam shouted.

She turned her face to the bald man in horror as he plunged a knife downwards.


Blood everywhere.

A river of blood. His legs were covered in it and his hands were stained by it.

"Shaleh! No!" Alam jerked himself awake to the cold darkness of his cage.

"Shhh," Danat said from the cage next to him. "Be calm. It was only a dream."

Alam wiped damp hair off his forehead.

"Sorry," he muttered. "Did I wake you?"

"I think you woke up the whole clan. Now calm down. Tomorrow is a big day."


Horses and carts were laden and pawing the ground. They were ready to move. Thousands of people from the Khashbal Clan were ready to depart for the Meet. It was the only thing people had been talking about for the past few days. The excitement in the air was so thick it was like a tangible force. Even the four prisoners felt it as they were loaded onto a specially made caged cart. It was large enough to fit all four of them inside. The floor of the cage cart was covered with a thick layer of straw, on top of which cushions and woolen blankets were piled.

"At least we will be comfortable as we ride to our death," said Tajar loudly.

The moment the last of them stepped inside the cage its door was locked behind them. Wide lengths of cloth in dark green, red, yellow and blue were then unrolled from the top of the cage, obscuring their vision out of the sides of the cart. Instantly the cart lurched forward and they were on their way.

"What is going on?" protested Tajar. "Why can't we see where we're going?"

"It's not to stop you seeing out," said a voice on the other side of the cloth. "It is to stop others seeing inside. Your identity is to be concealed until Kirill can unveil you properly at the Meet." Alam thought he recognised the voice.

"Nurlan, is that you?" asked Alam.

"Yes. I am to be your escort."

"Ha!" said Tajar. "We are to be protected in this cart. You can't touch me, or my hair, in here!"

"Don't be so sure," Nurlan pushed himself between two coloured banners so that he was between the bars of the cage and the colourful cloth. He raised his sword. "I have sharpened my sword specially for our journey."

"Frost, be careful not to get too close to that madman," Tajar advised. "He has a liking for chopping off hair."

"Ah. He is the reason you are so ugly," she replied without the least trace of a smile.

"Ugly?" Tajar said with genuine worry.

Alam saw that her eyes were locked with Nurlan's. There was a tense seriousness in both of their faces.

"Have you two met before?" Alam asked, as he looked back and forth between them.

"Yes," replied Nurlan. "It was I who put her in the cages."

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