Chapter 16.2 - Games

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"You said you would visit me two days ago at the latest," Shaleh chided as she and Nurlan headed towards the field where the games were taking place. She felt flushed with excitement. Not because she was with Nurlan - he was much too serious to be exciting - but rather because it was the only time she had been out of the tents since having dinner in King Kirill's tent three days earlier. Her mother refused to allow her to go out in case she missed him coming to call on her. For someone used to wandering around the plains as she wished it had been torture. Being free put her in a jovial mood, but she was also still annoyed that Nurlan had taken so long to visit her and free her from her boredom.

"It had been my intention but something grave came up that I could not avoid," he replied.

"What could be so grave that kept you away?"

"Two of my warriors disappeared. They did not return from their patrol. I had to search for them. After I found the bodies I had to do a thorough sweep of the area to try and find the killer."

Shaleh stopped and raised her hand to her face. "I'm sorry. That sounds awful! Were they close to you?"

"Yes. I had trained them both. They were good men and leave behind families."

Shaleh felt  twinge of guilt that moments ago she had been angry at him for making her wait so long to get free of her tent.

"Did you find who did it?"

"Not yet."

"Can I do anything?" she asked.

"You can keep talking. It distracts me from other thoughts." He did not mention that there was something specific he wanted from her - information. She was the daughter of the Empa Chief, and Alam and Tajar said they were Empa as well. If they were telling the truth, and he was sure they were, then she would know something about them. That is why he was directing their steps towards the games. The prisoners would be facing their fourth challenge in The Pit soon.

"My father trained me to be a warrior. I can help in ways other than just talking," she offered.

"I don't doubt it," he nodded. "But at the moment what would help me the most is talking with you."

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked.

A group of laughing children rushed around them chased by a couple youths. As they passed, Shaleh saw the oldest of them pause and bow his head to Nurlan. Nurlan gave no indication that he had seen it.

That's nine people.

"Hmm... Let us talk about clothes," said Nurlan.

"Clothes?" she said in surprise. "I didn't think men cared about clothes."

"Some do, some don't," he said. "But that is not the point. Last time we met you were dressed like a princess from a far away land. Today you are not. Is this how you usually dress?"

Shaleh stopped walking and looked hard at him. "You are definitely an unusual man. That's the kind of question that people usually keep in their minds, if they think it at all."

"They want us to marry so I need to find out about you as quickly as possible."

"Fine. No, this is not what I usually look like. Mother chose this because it is my second best outfit. Worn, but not too worn. My normal clothes are more simple than this. She also insisted that she put some subtle paint on my face. I also don't usually wear my hair up. And what about you? Why do you wear the red silk beneath your tunic?"

"It was my father's. I wear it to remember him."

"You have had a lot of loss in your life haven't you?"

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