Chapter 6 - Banishment

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Khalesar quietly wept as she cleaned and bandaged the wound Alam had taken in the lower back. It wasn't deep but it was dirty. The top of his pelvis had stopped the point from killing him. Alam was completely miserable, but not from the wound. His whole life would be gone within a day.

Not one moon. Now there is only one night.

"How does that feel?" Khalesar asked.

"Fine, mother," he replied

"Not too tight?"

"The bandage is fine."

Khalesar's fingers finished the final knot. She then asked what had most been worrying her.

"Will you find another tribe to join? Or do you think you will find a home in the town? The town will allow anyone to live there."

"I don't know mother," he mumbled.

"I am sure Urlock will change his mind. You could try returning at the beginning of autumn. Extra hands will be needed. He would take you back. He loves you too much to stay angry with you."

Alam did not reply. Instead he stood up and turned around. He wrapped his arms around her as tears rose up, clouding his vision.

"Thank you, Mother. For everything you have done for me every day since you took me in. Yours has been the most important love in my life."

"Stop talking like we will not see each other again."

He kissed her brow and pulled away from her.

"I must say farewell to my friends," he said. She nodded silently and watched him leave.


Tajar was waiting outside the tent. The night had reached that quiet hour when time seemed slower. The two friends fell in stride with each other and began meandering through the camp.

"So what will you do tomorrow?" asked Tajar. A frown creased his brows.

"I guess I head north to Lasthome."

"Make sure you follow the river for the first day. Fresh water could be a big problem later on in your journey. You will also be able to fish," advised Tajar.

"Good idea."

"Do you need help packing?"

"No," answered Alam. "I will only take a couple saddle bags as well as the usual gear. It won't take long to be ready."

"Alright. Well, I'll see you in the morning. I'm going to bed now," said Tajar.

"What? But this is our last chance to do something together!"

"Yes. But there is still the morning for goodbyes and I can see that I am not needed where you are walking." Tajar nodded his head towards the tent they were approaching. The Chief's tent. Shaleh's tent. Alam had not consciously headed there but was moving towards it anyway.

Tajar clapped Alam on the back and walked away.

"In the morning then," said Alam.

"If you're lucky," smiled Tajar.

Alam took a deep breath and walked up to the tent. A warm glow and flickering shadows came from within. People were still awake. Five or so paces before reaching the door of the tent it was opened by Urlock, who looked at Alam with a stony face.

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