Chapter 27.4 - Pursuit

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Xantia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.



She peeked around the pine tree towards the fire. One bloodknight stood guard. The others slept. It had taken her many days to catch up to Emerek's party. She had needed to be careful. Thankfully the river in the ravine masked her horse's approach. She had left it tethered to a tree and had walked the final two hundred paces to reach the campsite.

She scanned the ground: pine needles and twigs. She would have to tread lightly. One small branch covered in needles could be her death. Bloodknights would swing first and ask questions later. She crouched low and nimbly stepped to the next tree. The guarding bloodknight's back was still turned so she darted to the next pine. She waited for her pulse and breathing to steady before checking which way he was looking. Once his back was again completely turned she crawled quickly to the next tree and rested her back against it. Its trunk was thick enough to conceal her. She was close to the circle of sleeping bodies; close enough to hear the metal armour of the guard clank against itself as he turned around. She slid her knife silently from its sheath. Using it like a mirror she held it close to the ground and watched the guard. He was so big that he appeared to have no neck at all. His head rested directly on his shoulders. Xantia watched him for a few minutes to be able to predict his pattern of movements. When she felt confident that she knew it, she waited for him to turn away. She sheathed her knife, silently rose, padded towards the fire, stepped over a sleeping female bloodknight, and sat down in front of the fire with empty hands raised in submission.

He turned back around towards her and cried out in shock. "Who are you!" He raised a cruel looking mace ready to strike.

Steel rang around Xantia as swords and knives were drawn out and pointed at her. Emerek and his bloodknights leapt to their feet.



"Noldorae!" spat the female bloodknight behind Xantia. "How did she get here?"

"I... I... I don't know!" the massive man stuttered back. Xantia saw how his eyes darted back and forth in fear to Emerek.

Good. I can use that.

"Maybe it's because you weren't doing your job, idiot!" shouted an older man on her right.

"Noldorae! Did you fall asleep?" Emerek demanded.

"No. I swear I didn't," the huge man blustered.

"Then how did she get past you?"

"I don't know. Maybe she's a sorcerer, like you."

Emerek jabbed a finger towards Noldorae then jerked his hand around into a fist.

"Ahhhh!!!" Noldorae's scream was primal pain, pure and unrestrained. He arched his back and fell heavily to the ground.

Xantia swallowed and forced herself not to recoil from the easy show of power.



The screaming lasted only a few seconds before Emerek loosened his fist and the giant of a man slumped whimpering. The echo of his pain bounced through the black night even over the noise of the river.

"She is NOT a sorcerer like me," Emerek said.

"Shall I kill him for his failure?" the older man on her right asked.

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