Chapter 7.2 Names

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Alam and Tajar simply gaped. The woman seemed in no hurry to break the silence. Eventually Tajar regain his senses enough to find words.

"Forgive me for sounding rude, and I'm certainly not complaining, but what are you doing here?"

She smiled and Alam's heart expanded with the radiance of it.

"I am looking for you," she said simply.

"Well you have succeeded," said Tajar, becoming more animated. He had put his roguish grin on. "And why, may I ask, are you looking for us?"

"I have a proposition for you," she said simply.

Alam and Tajar exchanged excited glances. Alam swallowed and found his voice.

"What kind of proposition?" he asked.

She laughed.

"One that I am hoping will be mutually beneficial."

Tajar turned to Alam and winked. "She does not like to give straight answers does she?"

Flirting? He's flirting?!?

How could Tajar even think about trying to charm such a woman? She was clearly too good for a couple of young hunters from the Clan who hadn't washed in two days. Alam was suddenly aware of his own smelliness. He slammed his arms close to his torso to prevent any more body odor from escaping.

"And what are the details of your proposition?" Tajar smoothly put his bow down and took a small step closer to her. Alam realised that he was still holding his axe in a threatening way and dropped it.

"You are traveling north on a quest of some urgency," she said. "You do not yet realise the danger you are in. I have gifts that can protect you and help you to reach your destination alive. You are warriors of skill and promise but you are no match for that which threatens you."

It was as if cold water was splashed on Alam. His thoughts shook clear of her allure.

"What do you know of our journey?" he asked suspiciously.

"No specifics. I see things from time to time. Ripples in fate. You, I have seen only recently. I know you head to the town in the north, and that your quest has importance beyond your own lives, but I can not see if you will succeed."

"What do you mean 'importance beyond your own lives?'" asked Tajar with a frown.

"Very few men or women have lives that change more than the small circle they live in. But occasionally there is someone who has a chance to do otherwise," she replied.

"And we have that chance?" asked Alam.

"Not a very good one I am afraid. Probably none without my gifts," she smiled.

"So you say we will die without these gifts of yours?"

"Everyone dies. But without my help I think it will be within weeks, if not days."

"And what are these gifts?" asked Alam.

She raised her hands. They had been empty before. Now, in one was a bow, and in the other was an axe. Where they had come from Alam could not guess. Both weapons were of strange design. They were beautiful, like ornamental weapons, but of a style they had not seen before.

"Weapons? We already have weapons," said Alam as he feigned disinterest.

"No. You have toys. Farm tools. Useful for chopping firewood and catching rodents. These are weapons that kings would envy. They are tools for the forging of legends."

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